Q: What are the features of FreeFrameWork
    Here's a short list of some of the features
  • Easy configuration of broker using .ini file for propath, databases, etc.
  • Proactive database connection checking with automatic failure notifications by email.
  • "White-Screen-Of-Death" replaced by a customizable error page.
  • Enhanced error logging.
  • Ability to troubleshoot runaway agents through runlogging.
  • Ability to run periodic batch cleanup processes
  • Will only run webobjects from paths that you specify
  • IP based permissions on certain webobjects
  • Anti-Denial-of-Service feature allows WebSpeed to ignore some troublesome IPs.
  • Warns you about possible security problems with your configuration
  • Can redirect errant requests, or requests for old objects, or object which have changed names or locations.
  • More user-friendly workshop interface.

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