Useful Links
Progress Open Source Software Exchange Network - Progress Software Corporation's open-source initiative for their tools. (POSSE)

Progress Email Group -
Progress Email Group, aka. "The PEG" is the best place to get your questions about WebSpeed, and Progress in general answered via email. Join the WebSpeed discussion list. here. Archived postings are also available online.While you are there, remember to send a check because PEG is user-supported.

Steve Southwell's WebSpeed Help Pages -
Fairly decent FAQ and list of resources for WebSpeed programmers. If you're looking for book recommendations, you're in luck.

Per Digre's WebSpeed Corner -
Another FAQ and various other tips and tricks for WebSpeed programmers. Go here to download the "Pluspack", which is a freeware set of tools that plug into the WebSpeed workshop. We hope to incorporate some of these tools in a future version of FreeFrameWork. Go Per!

Scott Auge's WebSpeed Tricks and Tips Book
There are some general pointers about how WebSpeed works, how to set it up, and also some tips on how to build a shopping cart. Thanks to Scott for spending the time to put together this resource.

Jurjen's Windows API site
If you use WebSpeed on Windows NT, then you need to check out Jurjen's site. He's got the authoritative scoop on API calls into NT.

Netscape HTML reference
Netscape puts it all on the line here and provides a full reference of HTML as they see it. Excellent resource when you're playing with cross-browser issues.

Progress Code Snippet Project
Various snippets of useful code that were taken from various PEG postings.

ZDNet Reference,4413,2392694,00.html

Apache WebServer
Apache is the open-source webserver of choice these days.

Win-CVS How-to
CVS stands for Concurrent Versioning System - what FFW has chosen for source code control.

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Last modified on: Thursday, 28-Jun-2001 16:50:41 UTC