/*------------------------------------------------------------------- File........: smtpmail.p Version.....: 5.8a - Aug 9, 2007 Description : Opens up an SMTP connection and sends an email message to multiple recipients. Input Param : mailhub char - settable SMTP server name/IP address optionally append :XX where X is a port number of the SMTP server. 25 is default port. EmailTo CHAR - list of email addresses separated by semicolons or commas (All semicolons will be replaced by commas so don't include stuff like Smith, John) "My Name" EmailFrom CHAR - email address of user originating the email, the SMTP server should require that this user is real. Format looks like: @[;] Example: foo@bar.com[;Mr. Foo Bar] If you want Delivery or Read Receipts, add a chr(1) delimiter to the end of the EmailFrom and then one or two comma delimted logical strings (Yes or No) for Delivery and Read Receipt respectivley. Example: "foo@bar.com;Mr. Foo Bar" + chr(1) + "yes,no" will give a delivery receipt and no read receipt. These PARAMETERs are strictly optional and not required. Delivery and read receipts are always returned to the EmailFrom address. EmailCC CHAR - list of email addresses separated by semicolons or commas (All semicolons will be replaced by commas so don't include stuff like Smith, John) "My Name" For BCC (blind copies) add a ^B to the end of the address. Example: me@myaddress.org^B Attachments CHAR - Comma separated list of attachment descriptions Format looks like: file[:type=][:charset=][:filetype=] Special Filetypes are: BINARY, B64ENCODED if you use B64ENCODED make sure to call smtpmail with RemoveEncodedFiles as the EmailTo parameter after sending all your emails or the encoded files will build up in your temporary directory. LocalFiles CHAR - comma separated list of filenames to the files described in Attachments. The filenames in this parameter must either be in the Progress path or have the entire path specified. In contrast to filenames in the Attachments are the filenames to show for the Attachments. Subject CHAR - Subject line Body CHAR - Actual text of the message can be whatever you want as long as you include the correct Header information in the MIMEHeader. If you are just sending plaintext you can leave the MIMEHeader blank, this is default setting If you wanted to send HTML you might use: type=text/html:charset=us-ascii:filetype=ascii MIMEHeader CHAR - [type=][:charset=][:filetype=] BodyType char - File/text. Determines whether a file or text goes into the message body. L_DoAUTH LOGICAL - yes if authentication is requiered C_AuthType CHAR - Type of authentication. Currently supported types:base64 C_User CHAR - The name of the SMTP server user C_Password CHAR - The password of the SMTP server user Output Param: oSuccessful LOGICAL - Yes the message was succesfully generated No there was some error that prevented message from being successful generated. ? there may have been a problem with a recipient or format of the email. vMessage CHAR - Any error messages from the server Author......: Paul C. Keary - plk@cpec.com - Coe Press Equipment Corp. Contributors: Scott Auge - Amduus Mario Paranhos - BravePoint, Inc. (770) 449-9696 Sam Schroeder - sschroeder@mn.rr.com Geoff Crawford - Innov8 Computer Solutions, LLC Steven Lichtenberg - Safemasters, Inc. Mark Bremmeyr - I S Solutions, LTD. S.E. Southwell - BravePoint, Inc. (770) 449-9696 Steven Jellin - ELCB Information Services Edgar Medrano - Operadora de Desarrollo Social, S.A. de C.V. Chris Chaney - Sumisho Computer Systems Garret Schweitzer - Aperum David J. Craven - davidjcraven@comcast.net Laszlo Kohl Copyright...: FreeFramework 2001 - http://www.freeframework.org License.....: Use freely - See http://www.freeframework.org/license.shtml for more detail Created.....: 6/26/01 Notes.......: This program was adapted from a combination of the work of Scott Auge and distributed as part of his mailsdk Scott had laid the groundwork for sending an email with attachments. But his original code did not verify the servers response to make sure the data was being sent properly. Mario's original work smtpmail.p was a big help in developing an understanding of how SMTP works. His program was very elegant in the way it deals with Sockets however Scott's work had done much more in the area of including attachments. SMTP Protocols taken from RFC821 MIME Protocols taken from RFC1521 SMTP AUTH taken from RFC2554 http://cr.yp.to/docs/smtplf.html - CR/LF problem Disclaimer..: This program is not fully tested especially with regard to the Reading of the Server Responses, and encoding of the MIME message body . Modifications: Sam Schroeder - sschroeder@mn.rr.com Changed "~n" to CHR(13) + CHR(10) as RFC821 calls for commands to end in , as carriage return and line feed. NOTE: This is not fixed in the MIME section as I was not able to test this section. 6/20/01 Geoff Crawford - for most robustness, it is necessary to loop through the WRITE() on the socket in case if the underlying transport does the write in more than one step. A simple loop was added. 6/28/01 Steven Lichtenberg - Added checks for server response to ensure the conversation happens. On initial connection, there may be a significant lag before the server responds. Looping through to recheck for response was necessary 7/3/01 Steven Lichtenberg - Modifications to more fully incorporate Mario's original code andto make the routine more modular. Added robustness features to ensure the complete/correct delivery of binary attachments through the use of MEMPTR. Also added the ability to use either a file or passed text for the message body. This allows for the options of sending a file as an attachment or as the message body. Reworked to use event driven principles for cleaner code and easier maintenance. 7/9/01 Paul Keary - Replaced CHR(13) + CHR(10) with crlf Decreased indentation of some of code to 2 spaces for better readability on character screens. Added code to set Encodedirectory based on OPSYS Capitalized most of the Progress Keywords(anal,I know) Found a line with a single period just after the line where cBoundary = "MAIL_BOUNDARY", it appears to have been introduced when the ~n were orginally changed to to CHR(13) + CHR(10). Added alternative API that is activated by removing preprocesser PublicVersion Found logic errors surrounding getsocket code and what happens if getsocket doesnot succeed. 7/12/01 Found a problem with the filename used for binary file if the input file name is a full path. On a Unix box it tried to write a file like /tmp//u/htmldocs/... Notice the 2 /'s after tmp. Modified the code to use a unique filename like en78422 instead of added a # onto the end of the original local file Also found attachbinlist was being delimited with a '<' for binaryfiles instead of a ',' This appeared to a typing error, I am surprised it wasn't noticed b4now 7/12/01 Mario Paranhos - fixed some tiny bugs in the mime type 8/30/01 Mark Bremmeyr - Found a problem when body is from a file. Changed GetFile to process attachments and body differently. Body text needed ~n before and after the content of input file. 9/19/01 Paul Keary - Fixed 2 reported problems 1. Sending a File as the Body of the message had a bug where a blank line was not inserted before the body of the message. 2. Added a workaround for running in batch-mode based on Simon Prinsloo's suggestion of using a DO WHILE loop Also added a secondary mechanism to leave the loop if WriteData has not been called in the last 60 seconds just in case the logical sending is not set to NO by the Read-Handler. 9/20/01 Steve Southwell - Added the ability to have a descriptive "from". Reformatted header in FFW format. 10/3/01 Steve Southwell - Merged in some changes - did some cleanup 1/11/02 Steve Southwell - Changed Error with newstate being set to 3 instead of 4. Thanks to "Anonymous" for the fix. 5/13/02 Paul Keary - Merged in special feature of setting Body to File: to treat the body as a filename to insert in the email shortcut for setting BodyType = "File". Added line to reset start-Etime inside WriteData. 5/13/02 Paul Keary - Added code to support special filetype of B64ENCODED acts just as BINARY filetypes with exception of how the temporary encoded files are treated. Purpose: Eliminate redundant encoding of files in the case of sending personalized emails to a group of email addresses. 5/15/02 Paul Keary - Added Jeff Pilant's code to determine TimeZone from the Windows Registry. Also removed tab characters from source code and replaced with spaces. 5/23/02 Paul Keary - Fixed bug in doFiles, if the encoded file already existed the attachbinlist variable was not be set correctly, moved assignment statement outside of do block where base64encode is called. Added code to not add / to EncodeDirectory if last char is \. on Win32 - temp files became C:\TEMP\/filename instead of C:\TEMP\filename. 8/22/02 Steve Southwell - Added RAW to length() when used to set memptr sizes - Thanks to Rares Stanciulescu Changed "HELO How are you?" to "HELO " followed by the local hostname. Thanks to Bill Prew, David Craven, Scott Ziola, and Hugh Cruickshank 9/19/02 Peter Kalmijn - Bug fix for first binary attachment corruption posted to api@peg.com. Change committed by SES. 9/24/02 Paul Keary - Added optional capability to set boundary parameter in the MIMEHeader variable. Used to correct a bug Jeff Pilant found when trying to send an html formatted email. By using boundary=[Boundary] in conjunction with type=multipart/mixed (conditional on type value beginning multipart) 12/18/02 Steven L. Jellin - Sorted out problem with multiple recipients and CC list. Instead of just looping through the TO and CC variables, each entry is sent to newstate and removed from the "," separated list. State has been left as 3 until ALL TO and CC entries are completed. 01/02/03 Steve Southwell - Various tweaks to handle multiline SMTP responses and incomplete packets. - Added additional preprocessors for logging levels to avoid having to type "if loglevel < X" everywhere. From now on, just use Logger1, logger2, or logger3. Added sanity check on To and CC lists to make sure they get trimmed first. - Added ability to specify port number as part of the mailhost - Added BCC functionality - Added Reply-To functionality (Thanks to Edgar Medrano) - Added enhanced error reporting and logging - use throwError(errorMessage) 04/30/03 Paul Keary - Read loglevel from file "smtploglevel" if it is found in the PROPATH Allows loglevels to be changed without requiring any recompiling. - Added check to see which directory smtpmail.p is located in. If THIS-PROCEDURE:FILE-NAME BEGINS "ffw" THEN run the supporting programs also in ffw/procs. This was previously handled using the PublicVersion preprocessor. - Cleaned up indentation of some lines in readhandler. - Cleaned up the logging messages to be more somewhat more readable. Changed some of the logging text, changed logging levels of some messages from level-2 to level-1 due to detailed nature of the info. If loglevel 2 is selected print SMTP commands sent on seperate lines and also server response text on its own line. This makes it somewhat easier to see the conversation going on between client and server. CLIENT:HELO smtpserver RESP:250 OK - Added code to increment icnt to match the current Recipient. - Added NewLine after multi-part MIME header. Peter Kalmijn changed the ~n~n to a ~r~n which caused problems with attachments with some SMTP servers. 05/16/03 Paul Keary - Changed newline characters to crlf. BUG FIX - Added ELSE statement in the Function getfile to set the last character in the memptr to 0. Since the size of the memory was 1 character larger than the File being read the last character was not being initialized and would result in an extra character showing up sporadically at the end of the file contents. BUG FIX - Removed conditional clause on MimeHeader being populated. To solve bug where body of message disappears when an attachement was included. - Added debugging feature to save contents of a message to a text file apart from the log file. This code was helpful in verifying where crlf were not being output to the SMTP server. 05/19/03 Laszlo Kohl - Add SMTP authentication support. Only base64 type of authentication is supported BUG FIX - If EmailFrom or EmailTo was ? then smtpmail was hanging - If EmailCC was ? then smtpmail was hanging - If Subject was ? then 2914 error ocured - If Body was ? then 2914 error ocured 06/03/03 Garret Schweitzer - Added two new PARAMETERs for Read Receipt and Delivery Receipt on the From address comma delimited seperated by a chr(1) delimiter - Changed MIME header to support Read/Delivery Receipts 02/25/03 Derek Marley - Added the ability to set the Importance flag for the mail header, of the message sent. Valid values include 0 to 3, 1 = HIGH; 3 = Low 10/31/03 David J. Craven - Merged several versions together. Started w/ 5.5, 5.6 and added: - Garret Schweitzer's read reciept and delivery receipt - Laszlo Kohl's SMTP authentication - Derek Marley's "Importance Flag" 12/11/03 Laszlo Kohl BUG FIX - Eliminated endless loop: when processing emailtoTMP line with more than 2 recipients 06/07/06 Carl Verbiest CCE NV (cvb) - Renamed timezone variable V10.1A keyword to timezonestring - Added "fake" authentication (solved mail being reported as SPAM by some spamfilters) - Use session:temp-directory for temp- & logfiles. - Changed priority and notification based upon RFC2298, RFC1891, Network traffic analysis from Exchange server and a lot of trial and error. - Replace ~n in body by crlf, not yet fixed for body in file (we use unix2dos prior to sending as a work-around) - Replace ~n in subject by space 09/08/2007 Tony Benn - Change get-tz procedure to use 'timezone' function for OE10 10/03/2007 Jan Keirse - Change getFile not to return a mempointer but work on mgetfile because it caused a memory leak ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********** forward declare functions ***********/ FUNCTION newstate RETURNS INTEGER (INPUT newstate AS INTEGER, INPUT pstring AS CHARACTER, INPUT hSocket AS HANDLE) FORWARD. FUNCTION getfile RETURNS LOGICAL (INPUT filnm AS CHAR) FORWARD. FUNCTION throwError RETURNS LOGICAL(INPUT myErrorText AS CHAR) FORWARD. FUNCTION Base64Encode RETURN CHARACTER (INPUT C_StringToEncode AS CHARACTER ) FORWARD. /* 5/19/2003 LK */ FUNCTION FormatRCPTAddress RETURN CHARACTER (INPUT cAddress AS CHARACTER) FORWARD. /* 06/22/06 CVB */ /******************** Variable definitions **************/ /* 7/9/01 PK - to support 2 API's for calling this procedure */ /* Uncomment the following line to use the defactor API as set on the FreeFrameWork, alternate version uses Mailhub defined within this program and does not use BodyType or vMessage */ &SCOPED-DEFINE PublicVersion 1 &IF DEFINED(PublicVersion) > 0 &THEN DEF INPUT PARAMETER mailhub as char NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER EmailTo AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER EmailFrom AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER EmailCC AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Attachments AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER LocalFiles AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Subject AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Body AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER MIMEHeader AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER BodyType as char NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Importance AS INT NO-UNDO. /* 05/19/2003 LK to support authentication */ DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER L_DoAUTH AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER C_AuthType AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO /* Currently supported types: base64 */. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER C_User AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER C_Password AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER oSuccessful AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER vMessage AS CHAR NO-UNDO. /***************************************************************** Added by Paul Keary on 7/9/01 This code can be used to simplify calls to smtpmail.p Note the version that appeared on FreeFramework.org had EmailTo as the first Parameter, This version has EmailFrom as First Parameter to coincide with the default format in Outlook, either way is fine this is more to be capatible with older code ****************************************************************/ &ELSE DEF INPUT PARAMETER EmailFrom AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER EmailTo AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER EmailCC AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Attachments AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER LocalFiles AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Subject AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER Body AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER MIMEHeader AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER oSuccessful AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEF VAR BodyType AS CHAR INITIAL "TEXT" NO-UNDO. DEF VAR Mailhub AS CHAR INITIAL "mail.foo.com" NO-UNDO. DEF VAR vMessage AS CHAR NO-UNDO. /* 05/19/2003 LK to support authentication - variables must exist*/ DEFINE VARIABLE L_DoAUTH AS LOGICAL INITIAL NO NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE C_AuthType AS CHARACTER INITIAL "" NO-UNDO . DEFINE VARIABLE C_User AS CHARACTER INITIAL "" NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE C_Password AS CHARACTER INITIAL "" NO-UNDO. /* Added to provide BodyType parameter functionality without changing the Signature of the Procedure call. 5/13/02 PK */ IF Body BEGINS "File:" THEN ASSIGN BodyType = "File" Body = SUBSTRING(Body,6). &ENDIF /* End of Alternate API call definition */ DEFINE VARIABLE mgetfile AS MEMPTR NO-UNDO. /* Configure These Parameters per your specific needs */ DEF VAR loglevel AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR LogFile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR EncodeDirectory AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR timezonestring AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cLocalFile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cBinaryFile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR vLocalHostName AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* Used to communicate with SMTP Socket */ DEF VAR hSocket AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEF VAR ServResponse AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO FORMAT "x(40)". DEF VAR ServerCode AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR vState AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR crlf AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* SWL 07/03/2001 counter for looping */ DEF VAR icnt AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR filcnt AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR AttachBinlist AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR sending AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEF VAR start-etime AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. /* SLJ 18/12/02 - Need a temp list of recipients to work through */ DEFINE VARIABLE EmailToTmp AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE EmailCCTmp AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* SES 01/03/2003 */ DEFINE VARIABLE EmailReplyTo AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* PCK 04/30/2003 */ DEF VAR useffwdir AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. useffwdir = THIS-PROCEDURE:FILE-NAME BEGINS "ffw". /* GJS - 06/03/03 */ DEF VAR DelReceipt AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO INIT FALSE. DEF VAR ReadReceipt AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO INIT FALSE. DEF VAR TempChar AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. &GLOBAL-DEFINE ListDel Chr(1) /* List Delimiter */ /****************************************************************/ /* Only Log attachments if debug level = 1 */ /* modify log locations as required */ /****************************************************************/ /* Closest we come to a Constant Variable in Progress. DO NOT change the value of crlf */ crlf = CHR(13) + CHR(10). loglevel = 1. /* Minimal logging = 3 Verbose loggin = 1 */ /* PCK 04/30/2003 PCK Added capability to override default loglevel */ /* To implement this function create the file named smtploglevel */ /* somewhere in your PROPATH and populate the file with a 1,2, or 3 */ IF SEARCH("smtploglevel") <> ? THEN DO: INPUT FROM VALUE(SEARCH("smtploglevel")) NO-ECHO. IMPORT loglevel. INPUT CLOSE. END. /* Get temp directory from environment, if found - Edgar Medrano & SES */ IF OS-GETENV("TMPDIR") <> ? AND TRIM(OS-GETENV("TMPDIR")) <> "" THEN DO: EncodeDirectory = TRIM(OS-GETENV("TMPDIR")). /* Make sure EncodeDirectory ends in a DirSeparator */ IF SUBSTRING(EncodeDirectory,LENGTH(EncodeDirectory),1) <> "/" AND SUBSTRING(EncodeDirectory,LENGTH(EncodeDirectory),1) <> "~\" THEN EncodeDirectory = EncodeDirectory + "/". LogFile = EncodeDirectory + "socketemail.log". END. /* found in environment */ ELSE DO: /* decide on a temp directory */ /* 7/9/01 PK - Eliminate need to configure for most users */ EncodeDirectory = SESSION:TEMP-DIRECTORY. /* Make sure EncodeDirectory ends in a / */ IF SUBSTRING(EncodeDirectory,LENGTH(EncodeDirectory),1) <> "/" AND SUBSTRING(EncodeDirectory,LENGTH(EncodeDirectory),1) <> "~\" THEN EncodeDirectory = EncodeDirectory + "/". LogFile = SUBSTITUTE("&1&2", EncodeDirectory, "socketemail.log"). END. /* decide on a temp directory */ /* Determine which timezone we are in so that the Mail will have the correct SENT Time. (Moved original code into a Procedure call 5/15/2002) Paul Keary Jeff Pilant submitted a solution to determine TimeZone on Windows which was incorporated into this program. */ RUN get-tz(OUTPUT timezonestring). DEFINE STREAM sLogfile. &GLOBAL-DEFINE Stream STREAM sLogFile &GLOBAL-DEFINE LOGGER PUT {&Stream} UNFORMATTED TODAY " " STRING (TIME, "hh:mm:ss") " " &GLOBAL-DEFINE LOGGER1 IF logLevel <= 1 THEN {&LOGGER} &GLOBAL-DEFINE LOGGER2 IF logLevel <= 2 THEN {&LOGGER} &GLOBAL-DEFINE LOGGER3 IF logLevel <= 3 THEN {&LOGGER} &GLOBAL-DEFINE RAW , "RAW" /* PCK 5/16/03 Added additional logging capability to save the exact contents of the message sent to the SMTP server. This feature was added to make it easier to debug problems with the crlf issues on different servers. TO ACTIVATE: Set the value of MsgFile to a filename ex: "message.txt" Then after sending a message, the message will be saved as a text file for you to examine. This feature is turned off by default. */ DEF var MsgFile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE STREAM sMsgFile. &GLOBAL-DEFINE MsgStream STREAM sMsgFile &GLOBAL-DEFINE SaveMsg IF MsgFile <> "" THEN PUT {&MsgStream} UNFORMATTED /* GJS - 06/03/03 Assign Delivery and Read Receipt info */ If num-entries(EmailFrom,{&ListDel}) > 1 then Assign TempChar = entry(2,EmailFrom,{&ListDel}) EmailFrom = entry(1,EmailFrom,{&ListDel}). If TempChar > "" then Assign DelReceipt = (entry(1,TempChar) = "Yes") ReadReceipt = (entry(2,TempChar) = "Yes") WHEN NUM-ENTRIES(TempChar) GT 1. /* Trim incoming PARAMETERs to avoid issues with num-entries */ ASSIGN EmailFrom = trim(emailFrom," ,") EmailTo = trim(emailTo," ,") /* 05/19/2003 LK if Subject was ? then smtpmail was hanging */ C_AuthType = "" WHEN C_AuthType = ?. /* No Point in doing anything if EmailFrom and EmailTo Not Known */ /* 05/19/2003 LK if EmailFrom or EmailTo was ? then smtpmail was hanging */ IF EmailFrom = "" OR EmailFrom = ? OR EmailTo = "" OR EmailTo = ? THEN DO: vmessage = "From or To is blank or unknown". RETURN. END. /* if emailfrom = "" or emailto = "" */ /* 05/19/2003 LK if C_User or C_Password was ? then smtpmail was hanging */ IF L_DOAUTH AND c_AuthType <> "none" THEN DO: IF C_User = ? OR C_User = "" OR C_Password = ? OR C_Password = "" THEN DO: vmessage = "User or Password is blank or unknown". RETURN. END. END. /* 05/19/2003 LK if Subject was ? then 2914 error ocured Put/Get functions not allowed on uninitialized memory. (2914) The MEMPTR variable is uninitialized. Do a SET-SIZE on it before accessing it. */ ASSIGN Subject = "" WHEN Subject EQ ? /* 05/19/2003 LK if Body was ? then 2914 error ocured */ Body = "" WHEN Body EQ ?. /* Get the Reply-to if included (SES - 1/3/03) */ IF NUM-ENTRIES(EmailFrom,"^") > 1 THEN ASSIGN EmailReplyTo = entry(2,EmailFrom,"^") EmailFrom = entry(1,EmailFrom,"^"). OUTPUT {&Stream} TO VALUE(LogFile) UNBUFFERED APPEND. IF MsgFile <> "" THEN OUTPUT {&MsgStream} TO VALUE(MsgFile) UNBUFFERED. /* get the local hostname from the OS */ IF useffwdir THEN RUN ffw/procs/gethostname.p(OUTPUT vLocalHostName). ELSE RUN utils/gethostname.p(OUTPUT vLocalHostName). IF vLocalHostName = "" THEN vLocalHostName = "localhost". /* get rid of all spaces */ ELSE vLocalHostName = REPLACE(vLocalHostName," ",""). {&Logger2} SKIP "************** ****** New Group ******* ************" SKIP "Socket email started" SKIP "Input Parameters" SKIP "EmailFrom = " EmailFrom SKIP "EmailReplyTo = " EmailReplyTo SKIP "EmailTo = " EmailTo SKIP "EmailCC = " EmailCC SKIP "Attachments = " Attachments SKIP "LocalFiles = " LocalFiles SKIP "Subject = " Subject SKIP "Body = " Body SKIP "MIMEHeader = " MIMEHeader SKIP "LocalHostName = " vLocalHostName SKIP "Delivery Receipt = " DelReceipt skip "Read Receipt = " ReadReceipt skip "Importance = " Importance SKIP /* Derek Marley 02/25/03 */ "DoAuth = " L_DoAuth SKIP "AuthType = " C_AuthType SKIP "User = " C_User SKIP "Password = " C_Password SKIP. ELSE {&Logger} "Send Mail From " EmailFrom " to " EmailTo SKIP. /* 5/13/02 PK Added to support reuse of base64encoded files over multiple calls to this procedure. After the last call run this program again with "RemoveEncodedFiles" as the EmailTo and the temporary encoded files will be removed. */ IF EmailTo = "RemoveEncodedFiles" THEN DO: IF localfiles <> "" THEN DO filcnt = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(localfiles): RUN DoneWithFiles (INPUT ENTRY(filcnt,localfiles), INPUT ENTRY(filcnt,attachments)) NO-ERROR. oSuccessful = YES. /* Special Call - Don't send error back */ END. RUN Cleanup. RETURN. END. /* process attachments and generate a comma separated list of file names for the output of base64encode.p . This is done prior to opening the socket to minimize the impact on resources (you do not need to have a socket open doing nothing for hours */ IF localfiles <> "" THEN DO filcnt = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(localfiles): {&logger2} "processing Attachment " ENTRY(filcnt,localfiles) skip. RUN dofiles(INPUT ENTRY(filcnt,localfiles), INPUT ENTRY(filcnt,attachments), INPUT-OUTPUT attachbinlist) NO-ERROR. IF vMessage <> "" THEN DO: RUN cleanup. RETURN. END. /* if return value <> "" then */ END. /* do filecnt = 1 to num-entries(attachments) */ /****************************************************************/ /* Create the socket, log in the log file that it was succes- */ /* ful or not. */ /****************************************************************/ sending = YES. {&logger2} "opening socket" skip. RUN getsocket(input loglevel,input mailhub,output hSocket). IF vMessage <> "" THEN RETURN. IF NOT THIS-PROCEDURE:PERSISTENT AND NOT SESSION:BATCH-MODE THEN WAIT-FOR CLOSE OF THIS-PROCEDURE. ELSE IF SESSION:BATCH-MODE THEN DO: /********************************************************* 9/19/2001 by Paul Keary Progress will not wait-for input on a Socket while running in batch mode. Simon Prinsloo [simonp@qbcon.com] proposed this simple code to workaround this problem. ******************************************************/ start-etime = ETIME. DO WHILE sending: PROCESS EVENTS. PAUSE 1. /* Build in timer in case sending is never set to NO this will terminate the program after 60 seconds start-Etime will be reset by WriteData each time there is activity on the socket to allow for long transmissions */ IF start-etime + 60000 < ETIME THEN DO: sending = NO. {&LOGGER} "Connection Timed out." SKIP. RUN Cleanup. END. END. END. /****************************************************************/ /* used a readhandler to avoid timing ut issues with running */ /* in a non-event driven mode. Also more fully complies with */ /* Mario's original program design. */ /****************************************************************/ PROCEDURE readhandler: DEF VAR vlength AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR str AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR v AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR idx AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR mData AS MEMPTR NO-UNDO. DEF VAR vbuffer AS MEMPTR NO-UNDO. /* Used to Build MIME Message Body */ DEF VAR cTempValue AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cBoundary AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cMimeType AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cCharSet AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cFileType AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cFile AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cImportData AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR smtpcmd AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO FORMAT "x(90)". DEF VAR teststr AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cRcpTo AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cMonth AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO INIT "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec". DEF VAR iLineCount AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR iRespLines AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cExtraResp AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cThisLine AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cTextIn AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cFrom AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* GJS - 06/03/03 */ IF NOT VALID-HANDLE(hSocket) OR NOT hSocket:CONNECTED() THEN RETURN. vlength = hSocket:GET-BYTES-AVAILABLE(). IF vlength > 0 THEN DO: SET-SIZE(vbuffer) = 0. /* re-initialize - See SF bug #467737*/ SET-SIZE(vbuffer) = vlength + 1. hSocket:READ(vbuffer, 1, vlength, 1). ASSIGN str = cExtraResp + GET-STRING(vbuffer,1) iRespLines = num-entries(str,"~n") cExtraResp = "". {&logger1} "Number of lines: " iRespLines skip "str:" str SKIP. /* If response doesn't end with a newline, */ /* then we don't have the whole thing. */ /* - In that case, stash the extra part of a line */ /* into a temporary variable that we can add to */ /* the beginning of the next packet we receive. -SES */ IF SUBSTRING(str,length(str,"CHARACTER") - 1,2) NE crlf THEN DO: cExtraResp = ENTRY(iRespLines,str,"~n"). ENTRY(iRespLines,str,"~n") = "". str = TRIM(str) + CRLF. END. /* If we have more than one line of response, */ /* then see if it's a multiline response */ /* and ignore all but the last line. */ /* Thanks to Rajah, Askins, and Chaney - SES */ v = 0. /* should be nothing after final CRLF */ RESPLINECOUNT: DO iLineCount = 1 to iRespLines - 1: cThisLine = TRIM(ENTRY(iLineCount,str,"~n")). {&logger1} "Parse Line:" iLineCount skip "Line:" cThisLine SKIP. IF L_DoAUTH AND (vState = 2) THEN /* 05/19/2003 LK for authentication START */ IF SUBSTRING(cThisLine,4,1,"CHARACTER") = "-" THEN NEXT RESPLINECOUNT. ELSE v = INTEGER(ENTRY(1,str,"-")) NO-ERROR . /* 05/19/2003 LK REPLACE v = INTEGER(ENTRY(1,str," ")) to v = INTEGER(ENTRY(1,str,"-"))*/ /* Mail server output after authentication: 250-mail.company.domain 250-PIPELINING 250-HELP 250-EXPN 250-ETRN 250-DSN 250-SIZE 20971520 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250 AUTH=LOGIN Mail server output after authentication: 250-mail.company.domain 250-PIPELINING 250-HELP 250-EXPN 250-ETRN 250-DSN 250-SIZE 20971520 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250 AUTH=LOGIN 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 235 Authentication successful */ ELSE DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK for authentication END */ IF SUBSTRING(cThisLine,4,1,"CHARACTER") = "-" THEN NEXT RESPLINECOUNT. ELSE v = INTEGER(ENTRY(1,str," ")) NO-ERROR . END. IF ERROR-STATUS:ERROR THEN DO: ThrowError(str). LEAVE RESPLINECOUNT. END. /* not a valid response */ END. /* Each line of response */ IF v = 0 OR v = ? THEN LEAVE. {&logger2} "Begin read state " vstate SKIP "RESP:" str skip. SET-SIZE(vbuffer) = 0. CASE vState: /********************** 1 - Build message ***************/ WHEN 1 THEN DO: CASE L_DOAUTH: WHEN YES THEN DO: {&logger2} vstate " " v " EHLO" skip. IF v = 220 THEN /* send helo */ IF c_Authtype = "none" THEN vstate = newState(2, "EHLO " + crlf,hsocket). ELSE vstate = newState(2, "EHLO " + C_User + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. OTHERWISE /* If NO or ? then do not authenticate */ DO: {&logger2} vstate " " v " HELO" skip. IF v = 220 THEN /* send helo */ vstate = newState(5, "HELO " + vLocalHostName + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. END CASE. END. /* when 1 */ WHEN 2 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK new state - start the login procedure */ IF c_Authtype = "none" THEN DO: {&logger2} vstate " " v " " "HELO" skip. IF v = 250 THEN /* send helo */ vstate = newState(5, "HELO " + vLocalHostName + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. ELSE DO: {&logger2} vstate " " v " " "AUTH LOGIN" skip. IF v = 250 THEN vstate = newState(3, "AUTH LOGIN" + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. END. /* when 2 */ WHEN 3 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK new state - send the username */ CASE C_AuthType: WHEN "base64" THEN DO: /* send the username to server in base64 encoded format */ {&logger2} vstate " " v " " C_User skip. IF v = 334 THEN vstate = newState(4, Base64Encode(C_User) + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. OTHERWISE DO: /* Sending as plain text - no better idea */ {&logger2} vstate " " v " " C_User skip. IF v = 334 THEN vstate = newState(4, C_User + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. END CASE. /* CASE C_AuthType*/ END. /* when 3 */ WHEN 4 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK new state - send the password */ CASE C_AuthType: WHEN "base64" THEN DO: /* send the password to server in base64 encoded format */ {&logger2} vstate " " v " " "PASSWORD" skip. IF v = 334 THEN vstate = newState(5, Base64Encode(C_PASSWORD) + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. OTHERWISE DO: /* Sending as plain text - no better idea */ {&logger2} vstate " " v " " "PASSWORD" skip. IF v = 334 THEN vstate = newState(5, C_PASSWORD + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. END CASE. /* CASE C_AuthType*/ END. /* when 4 */ /* Laszlo Kohl for authentication END */ /********************** 5 (was 2) - Build From *****************/ WHEN 5 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 2 to 5*/ {&logger2} vstate " " v " " "Mail From" skip. IF v = 250 OR v = 235 THEN do: /* Laszlo Kohl NOTE: after successfully auth this value is 235 */ ASSIGN EmailTo = REPLACE(EmailTo,";",",") EmailCC = REPLACE(EmailCC,";",",") EmailToTmp = EmailTo /* 05/19/2003 LK if EmailCC was ? then smtpmail was hanging */ EmailCCTmp = IF EmailCC = ? THEN "" ELSE EmailCC /*EmailCCTmp = EmailCC.*/ vstate = newState(6, "MAIL From: " + ENTRY(1,EmailFrom,";") + crlf,hsocket). /* SLJ 18/12/02 - Count once */ {&logger2} "Recipient Cnt: " num-entries(emailto) + num-entries(emailcc) skip. END. /* if v = 250 or v = 235 */ ELSE throwError(str). END. /* when 5 */ /******************** 6 (was 3) - Assign to and cc **************/ WHEN 6 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 3 to 6*/ ASSIGN icnt = if icnt = 0 or icnt = ? then 1 else icnt smtpcmd = "". /************************************************************ *** in case we get multiple responses back in the same packet, *** we need to parse the return string to determine how many *** responses we get back ***********************************************************/ {&logger2} vstate " " v " Mail TO/CC " icnt " of (" "To:" NUM-ENTRIES(emailto) " cc:" NUM-ENTRIES(emailcc) ")" skip. IF v = 250 THEN do: /* loop through all to's and cc's */ IF INDEX(ENTRY(1,emailToTmp),"<") > 0 THEN ENTRY(1,emailToTmp) = TRIM(ENTRY(2,ENTRY(1,emailToTmp),"<"),"> "). IF NUM-ENTRIES(EmailToTmp) > 1 THEN DO: cRcpTo = FormatRCPTAddress(ENTRY(1,EmailToTmp)). {&logger2} icnt " Email to " cRcpTo skip. vstate = newState(6, "RCPT TO: " + cRcpTo + crlf,hsocket). emailtoTmp = SUBSTRING(emailtoTMP,INDEX(emailtoTmp,",") + 1). /* LK 12/11/2003 change "SUBSTRING(emailto" to "SUBSTRING(emailtoTMP" */ icnt = icnt + 1. END. /* More than One TO */ ELSE IF NUM-ENTRIES(EmailtoTmp) = 1 THEN DO: cRcpTo = FormatRCPTAddress(EmailToTmp). {&logger2} icnt " Email to " cRcpTo skip. vstate = IF EmailCCTmp = "" THEN /* If cc stay as state 6 */ newState(7, "RCPT TO: " + cRcpTo + crlf,hsocket) /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 4 to 7*/ ELSE newState(6, "RCPT TO: " + cRcpTo + crlf,hsocket). /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 3 to 6*/ emailtoTmp = "". /* now its none */ icnt = icnt + 1. END. /* Last Or only one Entry */ ELSE IF EmailCCTmp <> "" THEN DO: IF NUM-ENTRIES(EmailCCTmp) > 1 THEN DO: {&logger2} icnt " EmailCC to " ENTRY(1,EmailCCTmp) skip. vstate = newState(6, "RCPT To: " + ENTRY(1,ENTRY(1,EmailCCTmp),"^") + crlf,hsocket). emailCCTmp = SUBSTRING(EmailCCTmp,INDEX(EmailCCTmp,",") + 1). icnt = icnt + 1. END. /* Multiple CC's */ ELSE DO: {&logger2} icnt " EmailCC to " EmailCCTmp skip. vstate = newState(7, "RCPT To: " + ENTRY(1,EmailCCTmp,"^") + crlf,hsocket). EmailCCTmp = "". icnt = icnt + 1. END. /* One or Last CC */ END. /* CC'ing people */ END. /* IF v = 250 THEN */ ELSE throwError(str). END. /* when 6 */ /******************** 7 (was 4) - Build header ********************/ WHEN 7 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 4 to 7*/ {&logger2} vstate " " v " Data" skip. IF v = 250 THEN vstate = newState(8, "DATA " + crlf,hsocket). ELSE throwError(str). END. /* when 7 */ /******************** 8 (was 5) ************************************/ WHEN 8 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 5 to 8*/ {&logger2} vstate " " v " build header/send data" skip. IF v = 354 THEN do: /* Build Email Header */ cFrom = (IF NUM-ENTRIES(EmailFrom,";") > 1 THEN /* GJS - 06/03/03 */ ENTRY(2,emailfrom,";") + " <" + ENTRY(1,emailfrom,";") + ">" ELSE EmailFrom). smtpcmd = "From: " + cFrom + crlf. /**************************************/ /* Look for Reply-To */ /**************************************/ IF EmailReplyTo <> "" THEN DO: smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Reply-To: " + EmailReplyTo + crlf. END. /* IF ReplyTo <> "" THEN DO */ /**************************************/ /* Loop through all To's */ /**************************************/ IF EmailTo <> "" THEN DO idx = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(EmailTo): IF INDEX(ENTRY(idx,EmailTo),"<") > 0 THEN DO: smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "To: " + ENTRY(1,ENTRY(idx,EmailTo),"<") + "<" + ENTRY(1,ENTRY(2,ENTRY(idx,EmailTo),"<"),">") + ">" + crlf. END. ELSE DO: smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "To: " + ENTRY(idx,EmailTo) + crlf. END. END. /* IF EmailTo <> "" THEN DO idx = 1 */ /*****************************/ /* Loop through all CC's */ /*****************************/ IF EmailCC <> "" THEN DO idx = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(EmailCC): IF NUM-ENTRIES(ENTRY(idx,EmailCC),"^") = 1 OR ENTRY(2,ENTRY(idx,EmailCC),"^") NE "B" THEN smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Cc: " + ENTRY(1,ENTRY(idx,EmailCC),"^") + crlf. END. /* IF EmailCC <> "" THEN */ ASSIGN /* cvb 06/22/06 : protect againt newline in subject */ smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Subject: " + REPLACE(Subject, "~n", " ") + crlf. /* Derek Marley 02/25/03, update Carl Verbiest 06/22/06 only add headers if not default */ if Importance = 1 or Importance = 3 then do: smtpcmd = smtpcmd + SUBSTITUTE("X-Priority: &1", Importance) + crlf. smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Priority: " + entry(Importance, "Urgent,Normal,Non-Urgent") + crlf. smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Importance: " + entry(Importance, "high,normal,low") + crlf. end. /* Sample format Date: 27 March 2001 10:30:00 EST */ smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Date: " + STRING(DAY(TODAY)) + " " + entry(MONTH(TODAY),cMonth) + " " + STRING(YEAR(TODAY),"9999") + " " + STRING(TIME,"hh:mm:ss") + " " + timezonestring + crlf. SET-SIZE(mData) = LENGTH(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(input mData, input hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. /********************************************************/ /* Begin sending message */ /********************************************************/ /* Done building Email Hdr, Now do body of the message */ /** Set up a boundary value if we have file attachments **/ /** Create multi mime header for email **/ IF Attachments <> "" THEN DO: ASSIGN cBoundary = "MAIL_BOUNDARY" smtpcmd = "MIME-Version: 1.0" + crlf + 'Content-type: multipart/mixed;' + crlf + ' boundary="' + cBoundary + '"' + crlf + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" + crlf. /* GJS - 06/03/03 The next two statements are Delivery & Read Receipts Return-Receipt-To is a non-standard, but widely used header */ If DelReceipt then assign smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Return-Receipt-To: " + cFrom + crlf smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Generate-Delivery-Report: " + cFrom + crlf. If ReadReceipt then smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Disposition-Notification-To: " + cFrom + crlf. smtpcmd = smtpcmd + crlf. /* *Kalmijn*: put ~r~n before boundry marker instead of ~n~n. */ smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "This is a multi-part MIME Encoded message." + crlf + crlf + "--" + cBoundary + crlf. SET-SIZE(mData) = LENGTH(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(input mData, input hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. END. /* IF Attachments <> "" THEN DO: */ /* PCK 5/16/03 It does not matter if MimeHeader was populated or NOT there should be a content-type definition. If Mimeheader is blank then ParseParm will fill in the default values. This was changed due to problem of Body disappearing when no Mimeheader was defined and an attachment was included. The behavior does make logical sense, if I were an email viewer and no content-type was defined I would probably want to discard the information also. */ /** Do we have a MIME Type for this messsage **/ /** IF MIMEHeader <> "" THEN DO: ***/ RUN ParseParm(INPUT MIMEHeader, OUTPUT cMimetype, OUTPUT cCharset, OUTPUT cfiletype). smtpcmd = IF Attachments = "" THEN "Mime-Version: 1.0" + crlf ELSE "". smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Content-Type: " + cMimeType. /* IF the message was multipart the charset may have been overridden */ IF cCharSet <> "" THEN smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "; charset=" + cCharSet. smtpcmd = smtpcmd + crlf + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" + crlf. /* GJS - 06/03/03 The next two statements are Delivery & Read Receipts Return-Receipt-To is a non-standard, but widely used header */ If Attachments = "" then Do: ASSIGN smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Return-Receipt-To: " + cFrom + crlf WHEN DelReceipt smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "Disposition-Notification-To: " + cFrom + crlf WHEN ReadReceipt. End. SET-SIZE(mData) = LENGTH(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(INPUT mData, INPUT hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. /** END. /* IF MIMEHeader <> "" THEN DO: */ **/ /*********************************************************/ /* Output the Message */ /*********************************************************/ smtpcmd = crlf. IF bodytype = "file" THEN DO: /************************************************ 9/19/01 PK Write the blank line to the Socket to indicate the start of the Body of the message. Bug was discovered by David De Beule [david@mips.be] on 8/28/2001 10/3/01 SES - Also was addressed by Mike Bremmeyr, but this was found to be a better fix. *****************************************************/ SET-SIZE(mdata) = LENGTH(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(INPUT mData, INPUT hSocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = 0. {&logger1} "before getfile " GET-SIZE(mgetfile) skip. getfile(STRING(body)). {&logger1} "after getfile " GET-SIZE(mgetfile) skip. RUN WriteData(INPUT mgetfile, INPUT hsocket). SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = 0. /* ses - 1/3/03 - nice try, but doesn't work yet INPUT FROM VALUE(body). REPEAT: IMPORT UNFORMATTED cTextIn. SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. SET-SIZE(mData) = length(cTextin,"CHARACTER") + 2. /* escape out single periods, since they are end-of-message indicator */ IF cTextin = "." then assign cTextin = "..". PUT-STRING(mData,1) = cTextin + crlf. RUN WriteData(INPUT mData, INPUT hsocket). END. /* repeat */ */ smtpcmd = crlf. END. /* if bodytype = "file" */ ELSE DO: smtpcmd = smtpcmd + replace(Body, "~n", crlf) /* cvb */ + crlf. END. SET-SIZE(mData) = length(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(INPUT mData, INPUT hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. /*******************************************************/ /* Process any files attachments. */ /*******************************************************/ /* LocalFiles holds comma separated list of files that are in the Progress path or contain an fullpath. Attachments holds colon separated list of parameters of to use in sending file. The 1st parameter is the name of file to use in generating a temporary file, the remaining parameters are all optional: Type=text/plain Charset=US-ASCII FileType=ASCII */ DO idx = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(LocalFiles): ASSIGN cFile = ENTRY(1,ENTRY(idx,Attachments),":") cLocalFile = ENTRY(idx,LocalFiles). /** set up the mime header **/ /* Content-Type: ; charset= */ RUN parseParm(input entry(idx,attachments), output cMimetype, output cCharset, output cfiletype). smtpcmd = crlf + "--" + cBoundary + crlf + "Content-type: " + cMimeType + "; ". IF LOOKUP(cFileType,"BINARY,B64ENCODED") = 0 THEN smtpcmd = smtpcmd + "charset=" + cCharSet. smtpcmd = smtpcmd + crlf + ' name="' + cFile + '"' + crlf. IF LOOKUP(cFileType,"BINARY,B64ENCODED") > 0 THEN smtpcmd = smtpcmd + 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' + crlf. smtpcmd = smtpcmd + 'Content-Disposition: attachment;' + crlf + ' filename="' + cFile + '"' + crlf + crlf. SET-SIZE(mData) = LENGTH(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(INPUT mData, INPUT hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. /** now do the file **/ getfile(ENTRY(idx,attachbinlist)). RUN WriteData(INPUT mgetfile, INPUT hsocket). SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = 0. smtpcmd = crlf. SET-SIZE(mData) = LENGTH(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(INPUT mData, INPUT hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. /** if we have a "Binary" file then try to delete the encoded version **/ IF cFileType = "Binary" THEN OS-DELETE VALUE(entry(idx,attachbinlist)) NO-ERROR. END. /** process each attachment do idx - 1 to num-entries **/ IF Attachments <> "" THEN DO: smtpcmd = crlf + '--' + cBoundary + '--' + crlf. SET-SIZE(mData) = length(smtpcmd {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(mData,1) = smtpcmd. RUN WriteData(input mData, input hsocket). SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. END. /* IF Attachments <> "" THEN DO: */ /* PCK 5/16/03 SMTP Requires crlf + "." + crlf to indicate the end of the message DATA. However this program is already outputting a crlf as the last text before this point. First crlf taken out to eliminate extra crlf at the end of a message. */ vstate = newstate(9, "." + crlf, hsocket). /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 6 to 9 */ END. /* if v = 354 */ ELSE vState = -1. END. /* when 8 */ /************************ 9 (was 6) ******************************/ WHEN 9 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK replace 6 to 9*/ {&logger2} vstate " " v " " "send quit" skip. IF v = 250 THEN vstate = newState(10,"QUIT" + crlf,hsocket). ELSE vState = -1. END. /* when 9 */ END CASE. /* vstate */ END. /* IF vlength > 0 THEN DO: */ {&logger2} "End read state " vstate skip. IF vState = 10 THEN vMESSAGE = "Email has been accepted for delivery.". &IF DEFINED(PublicVersion) = 0 &THEN IF vState < 0 THEN vMESSAGE = "Email has been aborted". &ENDIF IF vstate < 0 OR vstate = 10 THEN DO: /* 05/19/2003 LK replace vstate = 7 to vstate = 10 */ RUN cleanup. ASSIGN /* 05/19/2003 LK replace vstate = 7 to vstate = 10 */ oSuccessful = YES WHEN vstate = 10 /* If running in batch mode then tell the WHILE loop to exit */ sending = NO. APPLY 'CLOSE' TO THIS-PROCEDURE. END. /* IF vstate < 0 OR vstate = 10 THEN DO: */ END PROCEDURE. /* readhandler */ PROCEDURE Cleanup. IF vState < 0 THEN {&LOGGER} vMessage SKIP. {&Logger} "End SMTP Session" SKIP. IF MsgFile <> "" THEN OUTPUT {&MsgStream} CLOSE. OUTPUT {&Stream} CLOSE. IF VALID-HANDLE(hSocket) THEN DO: IF hSocket:CONNECTED() THEN hSocket:DISCONNECT() NO-ERROR. DELETE OBJECT hSocket. END. END PROCEDURE. /* cleanup */ PROCEDURE WriteData: DEF INPUT PARAMETER mdata AS memptr NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER hsocket AS handle NO-UNDO. DEF VAR DataBytesWritten AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR WriteSuccess AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEF VAR MessageSize AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR mystring AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. start-Etime = ETIME. /* Reset timer because we had activity */ ASSIGN MessageSize = GET-SIZE(mdata) DataBytesWritten = 0. IF messagesize = 0 THEN RETURN. /* 7/10/01 PK - Chomp off the Null at the end of the memptr data */ IF GET-BYTE(mData,messagesize) = 0 OR GET-BYTE(mData,messagesize) = 255 THEN DO: /* ||| Is this I18N compatible? - SES */ {&logger1} "writedata chomp null data " GET-BYTE(mData,messagesize) skip. messagesize = messagesize - 1. END. /* 6/20/01 GC - Loop continuously until the number of bytes written is greater or equal to the message size */ {&logger1} "writedata - before " DataBytesWritten " " MessageSize " " hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN skip /* GET-STRING(mdata,1,messagesize) SKIP */ . /* PCK 5/16/03 Special debugging feature */ {&SaveMsg} GET-STRING(mData,1,messagesize). DO WHILE DataBytesWritten < MessageSize: {&logger1} "writedata - in " DataBytesWritten " " MessageSize " " hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN skip. WriteSuccess = hSocket:WRITE(mdata, DataBytesWritten + 1, MessageSize - DataBytesWritten). IF WriteSuccess THEN DataBytesWritten = DataBytesWritten + hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN. END. /* DO WHILE */ {&logger1} "writedata = after " DataBytesWritten " " MessageSize " " hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN skip. SET-SIZE(mData) = 0. END procedure. /* writeData */ /*******************************************************************/ /** Parse mime type and char set out of header **/ /** If nothing there, return the default **/ /*******************************************************************/ PROCEDURE ParseParm: DEF INPUT PARAMETER cString AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER cMimetype as character NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER cCharset as character NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER cFiletype as character NO-UNDO. DEF VAR c AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR lBoundary AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. ASSIGN cMimeType = "text/plain" cCharSet = "US-ASCII" cFileType = "ASCII" lBoundary = "". DO i = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(cString,":"): c = ENTRY(i,cString,":"). CASE ENTRY(1,c,"="): WHEN "Type" THEN DO: cMimeType = ENTRY(2,c,"="). END. /* WHEN "Type" THEN DO: */ WHEN "CharSet" THEN DO: cCharSet = ENTRY(2,c,"="). END. /* WHEN "CharSet" THEN DO: */ WHEN "FileType" THEN DO: cFileType = ENTRY(2,c,"="). END. /* WHEN "FileType" THEN DO: */ /* Special patch used to accept a Boundary parameter for multipart messages */ WHEN "Boundary" THEN DO: lBoundary = ENTRY(2,c,"="). END. END CASE. /* CASE ENTRY(1,c,"="): */ END. /* DO i = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(cString,":"): */ IF lBoundary <> "" THEN DO: IF cMimeType BEGINS "multipart" THEN DO: cMimeType = cMimeType + ";" + crlf + "boundary=" + lBoundary. cCharset = "". END. END. END PROCEDURE. /** ParseParm **/ /*****************************************************************/ /* Generate base 64 encoded binary files **/ /*****************************************************************/ PROCEDURE dofiles: DEF INPUT PARAMETER localfile as char NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER cattachment as char NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETER attachbinlist as char NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cLocalFile as char NO-UNDO. DEF VAR Mimetype as character NO-UNDO. DEF VAR ccharset as character NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cFileType AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME = localfile. /***** file-info returns "F" + "RW" if the file is read/writable etc) check to be sure it is a valid file ************/ IF INDEX(FILE-INFO:FILE-TYPE,"F") = 0 THEN DO: vMessage = localfile + " Not a valid file". RETURN. END. RUN ParseParm(INPUT cAttachment, OUTPUT mimetype, OUTPUT cCHARSET, OUTPUT cfiletype). IF cFileType = "Binary" THEN DO: /* 7/12/02 PK if localfile includes a file path it will cause some problems trying to write the file in /tmp Generate a unique file to use for the encoded version */ /* cBinaryFile is used in this loop to check for existence of the new encoded file. It must be reset to the desired value after the loop. */ cBinaryFile = localfile. DO while cBinaryFile <> ?: /* Use of ETIME in the name is to further minimize the likelihood that the same RANDOM # could be generated by 2 processes at once, since there is a possibility that between the time search runs and the encoded file is actually created the same filename could be generated */ cLocalFile = EncodeDirectory + "en" + STRING(ETIME) + STRING(RANDOM(1,99999),"99999"). cBinaryFile = SEARCH(cLocalFile). /* Check for existence */ END. ASSIGN cBinaryFile = LocalFile. /* FILE-INFO:FULL-PATHNAME better? */ /* 7/12/01 PK The delimiter in the else statement was a '<' */ attachbinlist = IF attachbinlist = "" THEN cLocalFile ELSE attachbinlist + "," + cLocalFile. IF useffwdir THEN RUN ffw/procs/b64encode.p(cBinaryFile, cLocalFile) NO-ERROR. ELSE RUN utils/base64encode.p(cBinaryFile, cLocalFile) NO-ERROR. IF ERROR-STATUS:ERROR THEN {&LOGGER} ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE(1). END. /* IF cFileType = "Binary" THEN */ ELSE IF cFileType = "B64ENCODED" THEN DO: /* Make sure there is a base64 encoded version of the file in the encode directory. If not then create it now for reuse. */ /* Make sure path delimiters are consistent with Unix */ cLocalFile = REPLACE(localFile,"~\","/"). IF NUM-ENTRIES(cLocalFile,"/") > 0 THEN cLocalFile = ENTRY(NUM-ENTRIES(cLocalFile,"/"),cLocalFile,"/"). cLocalFile = EncodeDirectory + "b64-" + cLocalFile. IF SEARCH(cLocalFile) = ? THEN DO: cBinaryFile = LocalFile. IF useffwdir THEN RUN ffw/procs/b64encode.p(cBinaryFile, cLocalFile) NO-ERROR. ELSE RUN utils/base64encode.p(cBinaryFile, cLocalFile) NO-ERROR. IF ERROR-STATUS:ERROR THEN {&LOGGER} ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE(1). END. attachbinlist = IF attachbinlist = "" THEN cLocalFile ELSE attachbinlist + "," + cLocalFile. END. ELSE attachbinlist = IF attachbinlist = "" THEN localfile ELSE attachbinlist + "," + localfile. END PROCEDURE. /* dofiles */ PROCEDURE DoneWithFiles. /* Used to cleanup pre-encoded files after calling program is done sending the same attachments to multiple recipients. */ DEF INPUT PARAMETER localfile as CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER cattachment as CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cLocalFile as CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR Mimetype as CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR ccharset as CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cFileType AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. RUN ParseParm(INPUT cAttachment, OUTPUT mimetype, OUTPUT cCHARSET, OUTPUT cfiletype). IF cFileType = "B64ENCODED" THEN DO: /* Make sure path delimiters are consistent with Unix */ ASSIGN cLocalFile = REPLACE(localFile,"~\","/") cLocalFile = ENTRY(NUM-ENTRIES(cLocalFile,"/"),cLocalFile,"/") WHEN NUM-ENTRIES(cLocalFile,"/") > 0 cLocalFile = EncodeDirectory + "b64-" + cLocalFile. IF SEARCH(cLocalFile) <> ? THEN DO: {&LOGGER2} "Delete " cLocalFile. OS-DELETE VALUE(cLocalFile) NO-ERROR. END. END. END. PROCEDURE getsocket: DEF INPUT PARAMETER loglevel AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF INPUT PARAMETER mailhub AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER hSocket AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEF VAR iPortNum AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. IF NUM-ENTRIES(mailhub,":") > 1 THEN iPortNum = INTEGER(ENTRY(2,mailhub,":")) NO-ERROR. IF iPortNum = 0 OR iPortNum = ? THEN iPortNum = 25. CREATE SOCKET hSocket. hSocket:SET-SOCKET-OPTION ("TCP-NODELAY", "FALSE"). hSocket:SET-SOCKET-OPTION ("SO-LINGER", "FALSE"). hSocket:SET-READ-RESPONSE-PROCEDURE ("readHandler",THIS-PROCEDURE). hSocket:CONNECT("-H " + entry(1,MailHub,":") + " -S " + string(iPortNum)) NO-ERROR. IF hSocket:CONNECTED() = FALSE THEN DO: {&LOGGER} "Unable to Connect to " + Mailhub + "~n". RUN CleanUp. vmessage = "No Connection". RETURN. END. /* Cannot make a connection to mail server */ {&LOGGER2} "Socket Connection Established.~n". vstate = 1. END PROCEDURE. /* getsocket */ /******************* Functions ********************************/ FUNCTION newstate RETURNS INTEGER (INPUT newstate AS INTEGER, INPUT pstring AS CHARACTER, INPUT hSocket AS HANDLE): DEF VAR vState AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR vbuffer AS MEMPTR NO-UNDO. DEF VAR DataBytesWritten AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEF VAR WriteSuccess AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. DEF VAR MessageSize AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. {&logger2} "newstate " newstate SKIP "CLIENT:" pstring SKIP. ASSIGN DataBytesWritten = 0 MessageSize = LENGTH(pstring {&RAW}). SET-SIZE(vbuffer) = 0. vState = newState. IF pstring = "" THEN RETURN -1. SET-SIZE(vbuffer) = LENGTH(pstring {&RAW}) + 1. PUT-STRING(vbuffer,1) = pstring. /* PCK 5/16/03 Special debugging feature */ {&SaveMsg} pString. /* 6/20/01 GC - Loop continuously until the number of bytes written is greater or equal to the message size */ {&logger1} "newstate - before " DataBytesWritten " " MessageSize " " hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN skip. DO WHILE DataBytesWritten < MessageSize: WriteSuccess = hSocket:WRITE(vbuffer, DataBytesWritten + 1, MessageSize - DataBytesWritten). IF NOT WriteSuccess THEN LEAVE. DataBytesWritten = DataBytesWritten + hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN. END. /* DO WHILE */ {&logger1} "newstate - after " DataBytesWritten " " hSocket:BYTES-WRITTEN " " MessageSize skip. SET-SIZE(vbuffer) = 0. RETURN vstate. END function. /* newstate */ FUNCTION getfile RETURNS LOGICAL (INPUT filnm AS CHARACTER): FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME = filnm. {&logger2} "in getfile " FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME skip FILE-INFO:FULL-PATHNAME skip FILE-INFO:FILE-TYPE skip FILE-INFO:FILE-SIZE skip. IF INDEX(FILE-INFO:FILE-TYPE,"f") = 0 OR FILE-INFO:FILE-TYPE = ? THEN DO: SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = 0. RETURN ?. END. /* if file-info:file-type <> "f" then */ ELSE DO: SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = 0. INPUT FROM VALUE(FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME) BINARY NO-MAP NO-CONVERT. SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = FILE-INFO:FILE-SIZE + 1. IMPORT UNFORMATTED mgetfile NO-ERROR. INPUT CLOSE. IF ERROR-STATUS:ERROR THEN SET-SIZE(mgetfile) = 0. /* PCK 5/16/03 Need to set last character to null to terminate string */ ELSE PUT-BYTE(mgetfile,GET-SIZE(mgetfile)) = 0. RETURN TRUE. END. /* else */ /* set-size(hdata) = 0. */ END FUNCTION. /* getfile */ FUNCTION throwError RETURNS LOGICAL(INPUT myErrorText AS CHAR): ASSIGN vState = -1 vMessage = myErrorText. END FUNCTION. /* 5/19/2003 LK function added to create base64 encoed strings */ /* {stob64.i} better if I put the function into this code instead of include - I think*/ FUNCTION Base64Encode RETURN CHARACTER (INPUT C_StringToEncode AS CHARACTER ): DEFINE VARIABLE C_EncodedString AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE MY_RAWDATA AS RAW. DEFINE VARIABLE My_Counter AS INTEGER. length(MY_RAWDATA) = LENGTH(C_StringToEncode). DO My_Counter = 1 TO LENGTH(C_StringToEncode) : PUT-STRING(MY_RAWDATA,My_Counter,1) = SUBSTRING(C_StringToEncode,My_Counter,1). IF LENGTH(C_StringToEncode) = (My_Counter - 1) THEN LEAVE. END. C_EncodedString = SUBSTR(STRING(MY_RAWDATA),7,LENGTH(STRING(MY_RAWDATA)) - 6 ). RETURN C_EncodedString. END FUNCTION. /* 05/07/2007 Tony Benn */ /* Added alternative procedure for OE10 to use the timezone function */ /* This prevents integer overflow error when used in OE10.1B */ /* If compiled under Progress v9 the old method will still be used */ &IF keyword-all("timezone") ne ? &THEN PROCEDURE get-tz: /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Parameters: offset -- character, 5 long, as "+9999" Notes: Use the timezone function for OE10+ Author: Tony Benn - Total Systems plc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER tzResult AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzStr AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzBias AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzHours AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzMinutes AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. assign tzBias = timezone. /* Convert value to +HHMM form */ assign tzHours = integer(tzBias / 60) tzMinutes = integer(tzbias mod 60) tzStr = trim(string(tzHours, "-99":U) + STRING(tzMinutes, "99":U)). if tzHours >= 0 then assign tzStr = "+":U + tzStr. assign tzResult = tzStr. END. &ELSEIF OPSYS = "UNIX" &THEN PROCEDURE get-tz: DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER oTimezone AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. INPUT THROUGH date +%Z NO-ECHO. IMPORT oTimezone. INPUT CLOSE. END. &ELSEIF OPSYS = "WIN32" &THEN /* Following Code was added to determine local TimeZone on Windows based platform. The actual code was contributed to the freeframework by Jeff Pilant. Description: Reads the time zone registry key Input Parameters: Output Parameters: offset -- character, 6 long, as "+99:99" Author: Jeff Pilant Acknoledgements: This code used information found in the windows api files: windows.i, windows.p, winfunc.i, winfunc.p created by Jurjen Dijkstra, 1997 mailto:jurjen@global-shared.com http://www.global-shared.com language: Progress 8.2A Revision History: Version Date Description 1.0 09-NOV-2001 Created 1.0a 15-May-2002 Merged into smtpmail.p (Paul Keary) */ /* registry */ &GLOBAL-DEFINE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -2147483646 &GLOBAL-DEFINE ERROR_SUCCESS 0 &GLOBAL-DEFINE MAX_PATH 260 &GLOBAL-DEFINE REG-KEY "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation":U &GLOBAL-DEFINE REG-ATT "ActiveTimeBias":U PROCEDURE RegOpenKeyA EXTERNAL "advapi32" : DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER hkey AS LONG. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER lpszSubKey AS CHAR. DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER phkResult AS LONG. DEFINE RETURN PARAMETER lpResult AS LONG. END PROCEDURE. PROCEDURE RegCloseKey EXTERNAL "advapi32" : DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER hkey AS LONG. DEFINE RETURN PARAMETER lpresult AS LONG. END PROCEDURE. PROCEDURE RegQueryValueExA EXTERNAL "advapi32" : DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER hkey AS LONG. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER lpValueName AS CHAR. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER lpdwReserved AS LONG. DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER lpdwType AS LONG. DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER lpbData AS LONG. /* memptr */ DEFINE INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETER lpcbData AS LONG. DEFINE RETURN PARAMETER lpresult AS LONG. END PROCEDURE. PROCEDURE get-tz: /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Get all top-level entries in main registry key Parameters: output character -- Time Zone as +HH:MM Notes: ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER tzResult AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzStr AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzBias AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzHours AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE tzMinutes AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. /* Registry read vars */ DEFINE VARIABLE hKey AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE reslt AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE lth AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE Bias AS MEMPTR NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE datatype AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hBiasKey AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. RUN RegOpenKeyA({&HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, {&Reg-Key}, OUTPUT hKey, OUTPUT reslt). IF reslt = {&ERROR_SUCCESS} THEN DO: lth = {&MAX_PATH} + 1. SET-SIZE(Bias) = lth. RUN RegQueryValueExA(hKey, {®-ATT}, 0, /* reserved, must be 0 */ OUTPUT datatype, GET-POINTER-VALUE(Bias), INPUT-OUTPUT lth, OUTPUT reslt). RUN RegCloseKey(hBiasKey,OUTPUT reslt). /* Convert value from DWORD to INTEGER */ tzBias = ASC(GET-BYTES(Bias, 4, 1)). tzBias = tzBias * 256 + ASC(GET-BYTES(Bias, 3, 1)). tzBias = tzBias * 256 + ASC(GET-BYTES(Bias, 2, 1)). tzBias = tzBias * 256 + ASC(GET-BYTES(Bias, 1, 1)). SET-SIZE(Bias)=0. /* Convert value to +HHMM form */ tzHours = INTEGER(- tzBias / 60). tzMinutes = - tzBias - 60 * tzHours. tzStr = TRIM(STRING(tzHours, "-99":U) + STRING(tzMinutes, "99":U)). IF tzHours >= 0 THEN tzStr = "+":U + tzStr. tzResult = tzStr. END. ELSE tzResult = "-0000":U. /* key not found in registry */ RUN RegCloseKey(hKey,OUTPUT reslt). END PROCEDURE. &ELSE /* Make the code portable if not on Unix or Win32 */ PROCEDURE get-tz: DEF OUTPUT PARAMETER oTimezone AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* If you are on a platform other than Unix or Win32 this code must be modified to determine your local timeZone. */ oTimezone = "EST". END. &ENDIF PROCEDURE Get-SMTP-Date: /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: generate an smtp date string Parameters: OUTPUT CHAR Result Notes: DDD "," DD MMM YYYY HH ":" MM ":" SS ( "+" / "-" ) HHMM CRLF As of 5/15/2002 This procedure is not currently used by this program. It was included because it generates the date in a slightly different format than the currently functioning code. If someone encounters a problem with the date format on their smtp server - this code may remedy that problem. (Paul Keary) Original Author: Jeff Pilant ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER R AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE S AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE M AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE D AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* The date and time-of-day SHOULD express local time. The zone specifies the offset from UTC. "+" (east) or "-" (west). "+0000" indicates a time zone at Universal Time. "-0000" indicates a local time zone. "-0400" or "-0500" -- EDT or EST */ M = "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec":U. D = "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat":U. RUN get-tz(OUTPUT S). S = ENTRY(WEEKDAY(TODAY), D) + ", ":U + STRING(DAY(TODAY), "99":U) + " ":U + ENTRY(MONTH(TODAY), M) + " ":U + STRING(YEAR(TODAY), "9999":U) + " ":U + STRING(TIME, "HH:MM:SS":U) + " ":U + S. R = S. END. FUNCTION FormatRCPTAddress RETURNS CHARACTER (INPUT iAddress AS CHAR): if DelReceipt then do: /* cvb 06/22/06 : RFC1891 */ if index(iAddress, "<") = 0 /* addres not yet in form name
*/ then iAddress = SUBSTITUTE("<&1>", iAddress). iAddress = SUBSTITUTE("&1 NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY", iAddress). end. return iAddress. END FUNCTION.