August 1, 2000 Board Meeting Minutes

Called to order: 8/1/2000, 11:30 AM US Eastern Time.

  • Geoff Crawford
  • Steve Southwell
  • Brian Laferte
  • David Cleary
  • Peter van Dam
  • Julian Lyndon-Smith

In general discussed some organizational issues relating to meetings, such as when to meet and how moderated, etc. Also talked about a few technical issues such as reworking the database connection stuff to be parameter-driven. We formed a committee to investigate the possibility of forming a US non-profit corporation.

  • Meetings on Aug 16th and 23rd, 11:30 AM US Eastern time.
  • After that, meetings every other Wednesday at 11:30 AM US Eastern Time.
  • Board members not present may grant a proxy vote to another board member of their choice, as long as they first email all of the board members with their intentions on the private board member email list.
  • We will not elect a chairman. Instead, we will have a facilitator and a secretary for each meeting. The secretary is the first person to enter the chat room, and will save the transcript for posting. The facilitator will be the one to control the floor and keep the group on track. This facilitator will rotate on a meeting-by-meeting basis, starting with Geoff Crawford for the Aug 16th meeting, followed by van Dam, Digre, Laferte, Lyndon-Smith, Southwell, and back to Cleary.
  • If a scheduled facilitator is unable to attend a board meeting, then that person will be skipped, and the next person, alphabetically will take over.
  • An agenda will be emailed to the board by the current meeting's facilitator at least a day in advance of the meeting.

  • We will keep the .ini file format in use with FreeFrameWork for now.
  • Steve will modify the database reconnection logic so that the .ini file can read in connection parameters and reconnect that way.
  • The Propath logic will be changed such that FreeFrameWork adds its own necessary path information as much as possible without requiring the change of the .ini file. We will investigate this further.
  • Laferte will investigate Per Digre's Plus-Pack for integration into FreeFrameWork, if Per approves. Brian will report on it next meeting.
  • Geoff Crawford agreed to write a spec concerning SUPER's and how we can use that to make the frame work extensible. Specifically extensible for swapping out the INI for a database table or a XML file, etc.

  • A committee was formed to investigate the possibility of incorporating as a US corportation (possibly a non-profit). Laferte, Crawford, and Cleary will handle this. The committee will also examine and make recommendations on issues of the FreeFrameWork license.
  • The article being written for Progressions will be edited so that it includes less about open-source in general, and more about FFW specifics such as new features and requests for help. The material about open-source could be side-boxed. This article might be posted in other resources in addition to Progressions.

Adjourned: 13:20 PM

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Last modified on: Wednesday, 02-Aug-2000 16:28:05 UTC