August 1, 2000 Board Meeting Minutes
(As taken by Peter van Dam)
These minutes not officially approved by the board until the subsequent meeting.
Present: Absent:
Brian Laferte
Geoff Crawford
David Cleary
Peter van Dam
Steve Southwell (proxy to Geoff)
Per Digre (proxy to David)
Julian Lyndon-Smith (no proxy given)

Facilitator: Peter van Dam

The following matters were discussed:

1. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and will be placed on the FFW web site as soon as possible. There was some discussion about the need to publish both the transcript and minutes but it was decided to keep it that way.

2. Re-discuss meeting schedule

As it turns out to be difficult to arrange a meeting time for such an international group this issue was added to the agenda. However, the group did not come up with a better schedule so the current schedule (every Wednesday 11.30 AM US Eastern Time).

3. Business Committee Report

At the meeting of August 8, 2000 a business committee (BC) was formed to investigate the possibility of incorporating as a US non-profit corporation. The BC has reported that incorporation as a US non-profit corporation is indeed a good option. One of the benefits would be that all incoming funds would be guaranteed to serve the FFW cause. Some discussion started around the question of the cost of incorporating and the state of foundation (possibly a state without sales tax). Brian and Geoff both indicated that their companies were willing to donate $ 500 each to this cause. The board decided to ask the BC to investigate these matters further.

4. Review code submissions

Right now code submissions are flowing in but there is not yet an organization to handle it. The board decided to appoint a Code Steering Committee (CSC) that oversees the code submission process. The tasks of the CSC are:

  1. Define coding projects
  2. Assign projects to Project Managers (PMs)
  3. Accept code submissions

At this point the meeting was adjourned.

The following issues should be at least on next meeting's agenda:

  • Report of BC on cost of incorporating and state of foundation
  • Installation of Coding Committee
  • Source Forgeyeah or neah
  • Documentation

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Last modified on: Monday, 28-Aug-2000 23:32:16 UTC