August 23, 2000 Board Meeting Transcript
[prvdam]   #1: The minutes from last meeting. 2 weeks ago. Did we see the final version?
[innov8cs]   yes - that's the one Steve put out the second time
[Brian_Laferte]   I suggest we approve the minutes.
[innov8cs]   Seconded
[prvdam]   I never saw it.
[prvdam]   But I approve.
[DavidC]   Me + 1 approve
[Brian_Laferte]   All in favor?
[innov8cs]   I'll send it to you Peter, you can reneg your vote it you want
[prvdam]   yes
[innov8cs]   Otherwise, done
[Brian_Laferte]   Aye
[prvdam]   On the list I saw comments that people don't appreciate the complete transcript
[prvdam]   They just want the minutes
[innov8cs]   I beleve not that we approved minutes Steve will put that up on the web
[innov8cs]   not = now
[Brian_Laferte]   Good.
[prvdam]   Are we still putting up the transcripts on the web?
[innov8cs]   Why not, just have the small version available too.  (I'll get this out sooner too)
[Brian_Laferte]   I think that is a good idea.  In case we want to review them ourselves.
[prvdam]   OK. On to #2 then?
[innov8cs]   Yes Peter
[prvdam]   #2: 4 people showed up today, I don't think that is bad at all
[Brian_Laferte]   True.  Better than last week.
[prvdam]   I guess everyone who is here thinks this is a good time...
[innov8cs]   It's OK - particularly since two others knew and gave proxies.  
[prvdam]   Who got what proxies (sorry, no email today)?
[innov8cs]   David has Per's, I have Steve's
[prvdam]   So everybody's in favor of keeping the current schedule?
[DavidC]   Yes.
[Brian_Laferte]   Okay for me.
[innov8cs]   As long as it's like this week, we're good
[prvdam]   Done.
[prvdam]   #3: Business committee report
[innov8cs]   Peter - the other three of us are the committe so we know the issues.  Did you get a copy?
[prvdam]   I read it and don't understand much of it. How can you have states with no sales tax?
[innov8cs]   Can't explain Peter, but those states sure like it. ;-)
[Brian_Laferte]   Not how, why.
[prvdam]   Why would anybody ever found a company in a state *with* sales tax then?
[innov8cs]   There's more to it than that.  If the sale occurs in a different state, you owe tax in that state.
[innov8cs]   What this saves is filing even if you have no tax.
[Brian_Laferte]   If you don't live near the state, things are tougher.
[prvdam]   Whatever, you've got my vote. That means we have a majority, right?
[Brian_Laferte]   In theory.
[innov8cs]   Although it is important.  From the report I think the idea of incorporation is very strong.  More than that I suppose we need more input.
[Brian_Laferte]   Vote on?
[DavidC]   If everybody lived in one of the few states without a sales tax, then one would have to be introduced to pay for services.
[Brian_Laferte]   Where do we get the money to incorporate?
[innov8cs]   Steve pledged $50.  How about we ask for donations.  I pledge to make up the difference.
[innov8cs]   Or $50 if we have surplus
[Brian_Laferte]   And how much are we going to need?
[innov8cs]   Good question.  In NJ I knew we would need about $500.  Dave, do you have an idea about New Hampshire?
[prvdam]   There are a number of recommendations in the report. I did not read about cost.
[DavidC]   I'll find out what it costs in NH this afternoon. We have an economic development office right down the road.
[Brian_Laferte]   Well if Geoff is going to pay for it then why ask for donations?
[innov8cs]   Thanks Bri.
[DavidC]   If we can do the non-profit, it will be tax deductible.
[Brian_Laferte]   My company would gladly donate $500 to the cause.
[innov8cs]   Peter - we discussed it in our meeting, but it was not in the report as we were unsure of the details.
[prvdam]   Now we are talking!
[innov8cs]   Maybe Brian and I will each do $500 and we'll keep the excess for when we need it.
[DavidC]   To incorporate, do we need an address?
[Brian_Laferte]   Who is taking the action item to figure out the state/cost/etc?
[innov8cs]   Good point David, should we look at one of those address places?  Or perhaps we we don't need to based on NH law.
[DavidC]   I guess it doesn't have to be physically located in the state, since most corporations do it in Deleware.
[DavidC]   I'll take it for New Hampshire and have the details later today.
[prvdam]   This sounds like a BC meeting. How about if the BC figures this out in the coming week?
[innov8cs]   I can already tell you costs for NJ, but there is sales tax.
[innov8cs]   Agreed Peter.  
[Brian_Laferte]   Good.
[DavidC]   Do you think all we need is a PO BOX?
[innov8cs]   Dave - I'm an an office complex that does just that.
[innov8cs]   Let's move on
[prvdam]   This will be on next weeks agenda.
[prvdam]   #4: review code submissions.
[Brian_Laferte]   And we'll need to setup a checking account first, won't we.
[Brian_Laferte]   Ok.
[innov8cs]   oops still on #3 - Brian we'll talk about that off line.  The checking account has to be after encorporation
[Brian_Laferte]   Are we going to setup a committe for this?
[innov8cs]   I think the business committee is it
[DavidC]   Code submissions? Sure. Also, don't limit it to the board.
[prvdam]   Can we do Per's part without Per? And how about Steve's part without Steve?
[Brian_Laferte]   I meant a committe for the review of comments.
[Brian_Laferte]   comments == code.
[innov8cs]   Peter - yes, that's the what I think the process should be.  And great to include outsiders
[Brian_Laferte]   No.  I say two board members and then community members.
[DavidC]   Eventually, I'd like to see "projects" kicked off with a benevolent dictator assigned to oversee it.
[DavidC]   Code submission ploicies would be up to the dictator for that particular project.
[innov8cs]   Dave - that goes with how do we handle directions?
[innov8cs]   Dave - I would favor one particular policy, but yes, individual leaders of projects
[DavidC]   ???? You confused me Geoff.
[innov8cs]   Dave -which part?
[DavidC]   Handle directions?
[innov8cs]   David - I'm think the process might be that the board decides it wants a direction with associated work...  The assigns someone to do the work
[DavidC]   We code have a single policy saying the dictator has final say on code submissions. The board can remove a dictator based on community feedback.
[innov8cs]   Dave - I
[innov8cs]   ooaosdasdasd
[DavidC]   Drugs must have kicked in.
[innov8cs]   Dave - I like the idea of the board being a little bit more in control, but not much.  Say they give the dictator approval, but he can be overruled without being taken out of office
[innov8cs]   The point is - make overruling easier
[DavidC]   Not much of a dictator then. I assume the dictator is someone with a big stake in the particular project. We can't have anarchy, and the board shouldn't be involved in day to day decisions like this.
[Brian_Laferte]   Sounds fine.
[innov8cs]   Certainly not day to day decisions.  But what if you get complaints and all you want is to modify one single submission, not remove the guy entirely
[prvdam]   Dictator == Project Manager
[DavidC]   Obviously, the board can exert influence, and the dictator can make his case.
[innov8cs]   How about something like a 2/3 board majority for overruling?  Makes it harder
[DavidC]   We can have procedures for overruling a dictator, but I would hope it would never come to that.
[prvdam]   Who decided on the project then? The board?
[Brian_Laferte]   Overseer == Board Member
[DavidC]   The board decides on all projects and assigns a dictator.
[prvdam]   Everyone agreed?
[innov8cs]   Peter - I would suggest two methods.  One is board member decided work, the other is work from the community that comes in asking for submission but already has a leader (the owner of the code)
[DavidC]   The board will also aprove requirements and oversee the project based on progress reports.
[Brian_Laferte]   How about 2/3 of the '
[innov8cs]   When outside stuff comes in - the board votes to accept and as Dave says oversees the project
[Brian_Laferte]   code sub-committe'?  The board would be a last resort.  An appeals court
[innov8cs]   Brian - I like that alot.  The asignment of these directions is best handled by a sub-group.  Full board at 2/3 majority to change
[DavidC]   We solicit comments from the community about the submission and whether it warrents a project.
[prvdam]   How do you handle outside stuff pooring in?
[DavidC]   Most likely, the person who made the submission would be the dictator.
[Brian_Laferte]   Fine, then.
[innov8cs]   Peter - the subcommitee agress to take it in, and then appoints the dictator
[innov8cs]   Ready for a vote?  Do we need to review the process we are thinking of?
[DavidC]   A board member will recuse himself from the commitee if he has any stake in the project. Another board member will step in temporarily.
[innov8cs]   Good
[prvdam]   Review: the board appoints a coding committee (CM).
[DavidC]   I do not like "coding committee". They won't be reviewing code, but projects.
[Brian_Laferte]   Probably someone else should be the dicator.
[innov8cs]   "Code Steering Committee"
[prvdam]   "Project Committee" is not good
[DavidC]   Agreeable.
[DavidC]   I like steering.
[prvdam]   OK Code Steering Committee it is
[innov8cs]   "Project Directions Committee"?
[innov8cs]   Which do you like Brian?
[Brian_Laferte]   Someone put forth a statement we can vote on.
[prvdam]   Tasks of CSM: 1. Define projects 2. Assign projects 3. Accept submissions
[innov8cs]   4. appont project managers
[innov8cs]   I'll second a motion for that Peter
[DavidC]   I need to leave in 5 mins.
[DavidC]   With #4 included.
[innov8cs]   OK, let's vote on this and call it a day - unless if we can meet later
[prvdam]   Brian?
[innov8cs]   While the business committee peopl are here too, can we schedule a meeting for that after David finds out more about NH?
[prvdam]   Are we appointing the coding committee next week?
[Brian_Laferte]   Feature Production Committee
[DavidC]   How about 4:00 EDT?
[innov8cs]   Peter - I think so.  I have to think Steve is number one on it,
[DavidC]   Let's see who wants to be on it (3 people?) via email and apoint next week.
[innov8cs]   David - yes, maybe at least you me and Brian at 4?
[Brian_Laferte]   CSC is fine.
[innov8cs]   OK CSC it is, are you also good on the duties 1-4 Brian?
[Brian_Laferte]   CSC - Code Steering Committe OR FPC
[innov8cs]   Brian - CSC
[DavidC]   CSC for sure!
[Brian_Laferte]   All in favor?
[Brian_Laferte]   Aye
[DavidC]   Aye + 1
[prvdam]   Aye
[innov8cs]   Done
[Brian_Laferte]   And what do I say in Spain and Australia?
[DavidC]   See you at 4.
[Brian_Laferte]   Yes?
[innov8cs]   Are the responsibilities to to?
[Brian_Laferte]   Can anyone hear me?
[DavidC]   Yes.
[innov8cs]   Yes Brian, there is some lag time now
[Brian_Laferte]   Hello?
[prvdam]   So the rest moves to next week. Adjourn.
[innov8cs]   Adjounr
[DavidC]   Bye.

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Last modified on: Monday, 28-Aug-2000 23:23:13 UTC