September 20, 2000 Board Meeting Transcript steve_southwell: Ahem... steve_southwell: Ok, then this meeting is called to order.steve_southwell: Are the minutes from last week posted?ffwguy: No, theyffwguy: didn't get up on the sitesteve_southwell: Well, if I remember correctly, we didn't have quorum last time.steve_southwell: And the time before was the 6th?ffwguy: Correct, the minutes from Per's meeting need to be approved thoughpdigre: last week's ??steve_southwell: Was that a meeting?ffwguy: Last week was not a meetingpdigre: I didn't think so ?steve_southwell: Sept 6th was the last official meeting.steve_southwell: And it was Me, Geoff, David, and Peter.steve_southwell: I don't recall if there were any minutes written by dave, do you? prvdam: I did not attend on Sep 6. I am listed incorrectly.prvdam: It was my daughters birthday party.steve_southwell: hmmm... That's weird.steve_southwell: I move that we strike the minutes from the 6th, and get one of us to read the transcript and type minutes. steve_southwell: Anyone volunteer? pdigre: Dead silence...steve_southwell: Seconds anyone? ffwguy: Not weird, I did the page, I didn't get the list right. The transcript has it correct.ffwguy: The minutes from the 6th don't exist, I don't remember getting anything from Davidsteve_southwell: Will you type them up or do you want me to? ffwguy: I'll do it, but it'll be over the weekendsteve_southwell: OK then. Table the approval of minutes? steve_southwell: Aye. ffwguy: Ayeprvdam: ayepdigre: Ayeffwguy: Nextsteve_southwell: The Aye's have it. steve_southwell: Yes - Old business: steve_southwell: The Code Review Committee. steve_southwell: We have the following nominees: steve_southwell: Paul Galvin steve_southwell: Steve Southwell steve_southwell: Anand Kumar steve_southwell: Who am I forgetting? steve_southwell: Steven Lichtenberg ffwguy: Steve Lichtenberg and David K. Jamessteve_southwell: Sounds like we have our five, huh? ffwguy: I think we were also asking for another board member to be involved since code directions are so importantprvdam: I move for Anand to be in charge. We should give him a chance.steve_southwell: I'm not opposed to that. I need to offload some work...steve_southwell: He sounds like a hard charger! steve_southwell: Who would be the additional board member? ffwguy: After election, let it be up to the committee to how they run things, if they want Anand in charge, go for itsteve_southwell: Good point. prvdam: I am available.ffwguy: Steve - I thought David as a PSC developer might be a good idea, also Brian. Concerns I think both of them would have is do they have the time. Since Peter is volunteering, perhaps he would be a good choicesteve_southwell: OK. so what's your feeling -do we keep the number at five and eliminate one of the nominees? prvdam: Tough questionsteve_southwell: I wonder if I should step back and let David and Peter take it?ffwguy: Eliminate a nominee, I believe we can still use the nominees as volunteers for work the committee hands outsteve_southwell: It's mostly my code that needs to be reviewed. prvdam: I don't think Steve should step back - he has substantial time for thisffwguy: Steve - the committee is about more than code review. This is code direction as well. I'd like to see you on it.steve_southwell: - in theory anyway... OK, I'll stay on. prvdam: Right Geoffpdigre: good !steve_southwell: OK, then - the only nominee I really don't know is David James. steve_southwell: Geoff, do you know him? ffwguy: Steve - no I don't know him well but I do see posts on the WS PEG list.ffwguy: I think he might be OK to review code, but I think he's probably odd man outprvdam: Isn't he the guy who was pushing so hard for the alternative way to use ActiveX functionality?ffwguy: Steve L. I know real well, as I do Paul Galvinsteve_southwell: So, in my mind, it's Steve,Steve,Peter,Anand, and Paul ffwguy: I agree, we let David know we have work for him, just not a committee memberprvdam: Agreed.steve_southwell: Agreed. Can't let opportunities for volunteers slip away.pdigre: agreesteve_southwell: OK, then, the motion is Steve,Steve, Peter, Anand and Paul - All in favor? steve_southwell: Aye pdigre: Ayeffwguy: ayeprvdam: Ayesteve_southwell: The motion passes, and our committee is staffed.steve_southwell: I'll notify everyone and try to set up an initial meeting. steve_southwell: Final comments before we move on? pdigre: move on..ffwguy: None other than post the 3 things we said the committee would handle at the first meeting.prvdam: We have to announce this big on the FFW site. It is one of the first real steps.prvdam: I mean list.steve_southwell: Agreed. - Both places.ffwguy: Agreedsteve_southwell: Geoff - those 3 things?steve_southwell: Do you mean for the CSC itself? ffwguy: During the meeting we approved the committee we said it would handle three things - specifics are in the transcript, yes the CSC itselfsteve_southwell: OK. Moving on...prvdam: (Please do not use italic. It hurts!)steve_southwell: Other old business?prvdam: Incorporationffwguy: Alright, but I'm not giving up the pumpkin color.steve_southwell: Yes, did Dave give any status on that?ffwguy: I asked David for it but I didn't get a reply.ffwguy: After the meeting, lets have someone call him.prvdam: An American.steve_southwell: He's at the W3c meeting.steve_southwell: Better to email him.ffwguy: I already did that, he'll get back to us then when he cansteve_southwell: OK. Other old business?steve_southwell: Going once...steve_southwell: Going Twice...ffwguy: I think the website review is old business, no?steve_southwell: OK. Good point.steve_southwell: Yes, we should discuss the website.prvdam: Someone volunteered for that, right?steve_southwell: Yes, and I dropped the ball on getting him set up...prvdam: So?steve_southwell: I zipped up the whole site, but he didn't want me to send him a 2 mb file.ffwguy: Peter - yes we have someone who do some reviewing, but we also need to do some content ourselvessteve_southwell: And I haven't gotten around to getting the file down in size.steve_southwell: I'll follow up with him today and get him a copy.prvdam: The 2 mb must be the downloads mainly. He does not need that.ffwguy: Even for only us, I think we all need to grab the mission statement, etc. Brian had a good idea thatffwguy: all of that, with the article now should be combined into one.ffwguy: Also need to go over that license.prvdam: I think combining that stuff can still be delegated.steve_southwell: Are there any specific concerns about the license from anyone present?ffwguy: Combining - I agree, let's let our volunteer do itprvdam: We should delegate whatever we can or we don't get much done.ffwguy: License - not by what's there, but perhaps by what's not. We should try as much as possible to release ourselves from liability. I think we should also add a statement that the board makes all the final decisions.steve_southwell: Agreed about delegating. All in favor of me getting our volunteer to do it?prvdam: Aye. Invite the volunteer to do our wishlist and see what he says.pdigre: Aye , get a volunteer Steve.ffwguy: Steve - agreed on the volunteer, also I can do a small mod to the license for approval by the BC first, the BC can reiterate it, and then send it to full committee for votesteve_southwell: OK. - We'll get a volunteer to combine the stuff.steve_southwell: I'm not opposed to Geoff making mods to the license. - for review by the board.steve_southwell: Since we seem to have lots of money these days, how about us getting an attorney to review it?prvdam: I think we can put our money to better use at this time.ffwguy: We can always have it reviewed later.steve_southwell: Nobody wants lawyers involved, huh?ffwguy: It is expensivesteve_southwell: Personally, I wish that we would retain one and have him do our incorporation and handle the license...pdigre: Lawyers, only if and when necessary!steve_southwell: I realize it's expensive, but the committments to our coffers have grown...ffwguy: On the other hand, now that you mention it Steve, there are resources from the National Board of Non-Profits that cut their ratesprvdam: Maybe we can find a volunteer loyer thru the peg/webspeed/ffw list?steve_southwell: Good point. Perhaps this is an issue for the business committee to look into?steve_southwell: And in the mean time, Geoff can propose mods?prvdam: Aye.steve_southwell: Ayepdigre: ayeffwguy: I can do a couple of things then - I'll check the rates we can get through the non-profit board, I'll ask my own lawyer who specializes in intellectual property, and I have a Progress user at a law firm that also does intellectual property.ffwguy: Aye by me.steve_southwell: Very well - remanded to the business committee for further review.steve_southwell: Anyone else have recommendations for the license?steve_southwell: I was thinking that perhaps ASP's should not be required to disclose FFW in their licensing agreements...steve_southwell: (As a clarification to the license)ffwguy: I'd like to see that they are required. Do you have indication this would put an ASP off?steve_southwell: My only thought was that if a particular ASP didn't want to disclose their technology for security purposes, then they might be put off.steve_southwell: My ASP would definitely recognize FFW.prvdam: It can be a drawback or an advantage, leave it to the ASP.steve_southwell: Also, for a B to C app, it might confuse a novice user to see FFW in the license.ffwguy: We do give up publicity this waysteve_southwell: I would think we would need permission of the ASP to use them for publicity anyway, right?prvdam: We will get publicity if the ASP thinks it is an advantage.steve_southwell: We don't need publicity from an un-related ASP.ffwguy: No, the other way around. Steve. I want them to give us publicity by having to tell other people they use our code.steve_southwell: For instance if it were a B to C app not related to the Progress / WS world.ffwguy: Steve - how are they going to use FFW if they don't use WS? How could they not be in the WS world?steve_southwell: If you write an ASP for lets-say the skateboarding community...steve_southwell: The company may use WS, but its customers don't give a rat's a**prvdam: 15 minutes left.ffwguy: Steve - I'steve_southwell: OK. We can table this discussion if we need to.ffwguy: d still like to see a "powerd by or something"....ffwguy: OK, until next time.steve_southwell: Any new business?prvdam: Documentation!ffwguy: Actually other old business - also Source Forgeffwguy: Peter - we should ask our volunteer for thatsteve_southwell: Tim Greenhoot says he's good at documentation type stuff.ffwguy: Let's task the Code Committee with giving Tim a direction to start docssteve_southwell: You know, I still haven't spent any time at source forge.steve_southwell: Should we instead have a documentation / website committee?prvdam: Agreed about the CSC being in charge of doc as well. That's a new one.prvdam: I think doc belongs to the CSC.steve_southwell: Per?ffwguy: Steve - docs should definitely go with the code. If the code commitee wants a sub-committe then let them do thatpdigre: Could the CSC be in charge of Source Forge too ?prvdam: Per: yepsteve_southwell: Agreed.steve_southwell: All in favor of remanding documentation and SourceForge to CSC?ffwguy: Per - yes, but also I think that's a big issue that the main board should also approveprvdam: We have to reformulate the CSC tasks.ffwguy: A note on Source Forge - PSC has not chosen where their POSSE is going to be yet. That may influence the decisionsteve_southwell: hmmm.pdigre: Unfortunately I haven't had a look at Source Forge yet.steve_southwell: I bet PSC builds their own...ffwguy: Peter - yes, we should add documentationprvdam: I have not looked at Source Forge either.steve_southwell: I hope they'll use FFW if they do.prvdam: Let's assign this to the CSC anyway.ffwguy: Steve - I suspect not, I have spoken with Kim Lomastro before she official was in her new job.......ffwguy: I hear they are speaking with Open Source community people and are being told they need to host at credible sites, source forge among themprvdam: Use FFW for what???ffwguy: I agree with putting this on the CSC shoulderssteve_southwell: Amend the motion to remand SourceForge and Docs to the CSC with the restriction that any SourceForge decision should be approved by the board.steve_southwell: All in favor?steve_southwell: Ayeffwguy: ayepdigre: ayeprvdam: Ayesteve_southwell: OK. Cool.steve_southwell: Did we miss any other old business?ffwguy: No, I have up Peter's agenda from the last official meetingprvdam: Coolffwguy: The only thing is we should be getting that article Brian wrote out to more placessteve_southwell: Who might we be missing?ffwguy: By the way - I have Kim and Maggie coming to our PUG in Nov.steve_southwell: That's cool.ffwguy: As a new item, I propose we send approved minutes to the PEG FFW list, not just on the web pagesteve_southwell: Seconded.pdigre: absolutelyprvdam: Finesteve_southwell: Sounds like a yes vote to me.ffwguy: Other new business is what to do about meetings in the future - do we start another email list or what?steve_southwell: Brian had questions about our meeting format...steve_southwell: I don't know...ffwguy: Steve you suggested a hybrid - how about we do get the new email list, but we also do an on line meeting once a month??prvdam: Actually I don't agree with Brian's story from Barcelona - we just had a casual brainstorm and I did not take a strong position.steve_southwell: In my mind, any such hybrid system would be like a threaded message board.steve_southwell: Email discussions are too hard to keep flowing.steve_southwell: And I don't have time to sit and read my mail all day long every 10 minutes.ffwguy: How about a message board, plus less frequent on line meetingspdigre: I'm in favor of the meeting format we currently have..prvdam: This format is fine for me too.steve_southwell: I might be persuaded to have less frequent meetings.steve_southwell: I like the current format as well.ffwguy: It's fine for us because we're here. One person that definitely is getting lost is Julianprvdam: The original plan was one meeting every two weeks.pdigre: How about limiting the online meetings to voting on issues only ?? should take less than 30minsteve_southwell: Actually, I like the other way around.prvdam: Good idea Steve.ffwguy: As for less frequent, we have to have something to pick up the slack. I like the idea of a BB for discussion, and the voting is very easy by emailsteve_southwell: Perhaps we post the minutes and a list of things to vote on, then take votes by email.ffwguy: On the other hand, while we're on line, the actual vote is .0001 secondssteve_southwell: Has anyone checked out Ultimate Bulletin Board?ffwguy: We need both online and off line.prvdam: I like the idea of disussing issues with whoever can, and subsequently getting the votes by email.steve_southwell: Sounds like maybe we're not going to find the perfect solution to this...prvdam: Let's email the board for ideas.ffwguy: Steve - there is a place that hosts UBB's for you free. Otherwise it's generally a mess, other BB's are better. I agree is sounds like we need to mull this over more. Let's continue to talk over emailsteve_southwell: Maybe the solution is to let the facilitator for each week determine the format.ffwguy: Steve - no, we'll have 75 formats a yearsteve_southwell: We already haveprvdam: Besides, it becomes apparent at the last moment when somebody can or cannot make it.steve_southwell: OK, all in favor of taking this discussion to email?prvdam: Ayesteve_southwell: Ayepdigre: ayeffwguy: Aye, I've had 3 Poland Springs, lets get this over withsteve_southwell: Aye. We'll move it.steve_southwell: Yes. We're 3 minutes over.steve_southwell: Move to adjourn.ffwguy: My bladder says Ayeprvdam: Byesteve_southwell: Aye.pdigre: byesteve_southwell: The meeting is adjourned. steve_southwell: Minutes will be posted later today. |