September 20, 2000 Board Meeting Transcript
prvdam: Let's start anyway. A lot of us are here.steve_southwell: Peter, you want to do this one? prvdam: Fair enough.prvdam: Was there a meeting last week?steve_southwell: I wasn't there...webspeedconsulting: Nor Iffwguy: Not a single person showed on Yahoo when I checked.steve_southwell: Darn jobs... webspeedconsulting: FIne. But what about this week. We are already 20 minutes behind.prvdam: OK so where did we leave off last time - incorporation. I also wanna talk about the web site.prvdam: First: incorporation. What is the current status?steve_southwell: Dave's not here yet, so lets do website...ffwguy: We need Dave for that Peterwebspeedconsulting: I thought we had a Websiteprvdam: Sorry our messages crossed.prvdam: The web site has become overcrowded.Yahoo! Messenger: david_cleary has joined the conference.webspeedconsulting: By stuff, or users.steve_southwell: Hi Dave.prvdam: We need a new navigation system if you ask meprvdam: Hey Dave!prvdam: Hello?steve_southwell: It is fairly complicated to find what you need at times.david_cleary: I'm in!webspeedconsulting: Fine. And the person we had helping doesn't do design.steve_southwell: We're talking about the website.ffwguy: Peter - I think we need to combine some items.prvdam: What does that mean Steve?steve_southwell: (on the website, it's complicated to navigate...)webspeedconsulting: So we need someone to redesign it, right?steve_southwell: Ideally someone who is comfortable with using SSI'swebspeedconsulting: And works for free?prvdam: Redesign - yes. Why SSI's?steve_southwell: The designer who originally laid out the look and feel is not that good with HTML.steve_southwell: SSI's = Server-side includes Makes maintenance a snap. ffwguy: Peter - header and footers are SSI'ssteve_southwell: Predone header and footer - just chuck in your content. prvdam: I know what SSI's aresteve_southwell: I'd hate to see someone waste time re-coding each and every page... prvdam: Any programmer knows what an include is.webspeedconsulting: Back to the topic. We are looking for someone to design the new site for free.david_cleary: How data driven is the web site? I.E. Dynamic content?ffwguy: Should we start by asking for a web master volunteer on the liststeve_southwell: Only webspeed hooks are the demonstration and voting pieces, and I'll handle those. prvdam: Yes I think we should start by asking for a volunteer on the list. They all work with web projects, know what an include file is and know what FFW is.steve_southwell: Everything else is static with exception of FAQ - which is perl based.steve_southwell: We should agree on specifications for such a person... webspeedconsulting: So we ask for volunteers. Who picks the person?webspeedconsulting: Us. Okay.ffwguy: Brian - we vote on itwebspeedconsulting: Vote. Why?steve_southwell: The person has to be trustworthy, of course...prvdam: Volunteer specs: Web design, HTML, SSI, WebSpeed, FFWsteve_southwell: Ideally someone with a reputation.webspeedconsulting: Chances of getting a person who can do the graphics too are small.ffwguy: Peter - so far we don't need WS and FFW, they would be plussesprvdam: OK. Is PERL really needed?steve_southwell: If someone can just fake the graphics, I can get USI's designer to make the graphics for real.ffwguy: Steve - I think that would workprvdam: Steve - good deal. I also good get some of that done.steve_southwell: Perl is a plus, but not required. The FAQprocessor.cgi program is file driven.prvdam: So volunteer specs: HTML, SSIwebspeedconsulting: Then a person who works with HTML everyday, has used SSIs, and has a reputation (a good one).Yahoo! Messenger: pdigre has joined the conference.steve_southwell: I would say good sense of design and some references steve_southwell: Hi Per. pdigre: A little late but hereprvdam: Should not be too difficult. One or two web site references will do.Yahoo! Messenger: pdigre has declined to join and sent: Thanks, but no thanks.Yahoo! Messenger: pdigre has left the conference.webspeedconsulting: The volunteer part will be the trick.david_cleary: Per has fallen into the hole that I did.prvdam: Shall I write up the add for the FFW web redesigner on the FFW list?webspeedconsulting: Must be Win2kprvdam: I will circulate the text on the board list first.steve_southwell: I second Peter's motion.webspeedconsulting: Good idea Peter.ffwguy: donewebspeedconsulting: Second the motion.Yahoo! Messenger: pdigre has joined the conference.steve_southwell: Glad to have you... Just discussing the website and volunteer webmaster specs. steve_southwell: I think we all vote yes then. david_cleary: We volunteered you, Per.pdigre: Back again, yahoo messenger crashedwebspeedconsulting: agreesprvdam: OK everyone agreed on the web designer (I write up an add for the FFW list)pdigre: volunteered me for what :Osteve_southwell: just kidding, Per...steve_southwell: We were talking about a volunteer web designerprvdam: Next: incorporation. Dave?webspeedconsulting: Next issue.ffwguy: Steve - we can also use him for plain textsteve_southwell: agreed.ffwguy: Before we move on ---ffwguy: I'd like to suggest Tim take a shot at combining the mission statement, who we are, FAQffwguy: thing all togethersteve_southwell: I second. Peter... Do you have good rapport with him?prvdam: Not really.steve_southwell: I can do that then, if you like.prvdam: I propose I first look at the concept beforeprvdam: assigning detailed work to Tim.ffwguy: OK to both by meprvdam: Because that is how Tim likes it.steve_southwell: I defer to peter then. In my mind, Peter is the unofficial webmaster.prvdam: I already volunteered to co-ordinate the web site so let me handle this.steve_southwell: or at least webmaster liason.steve_southwell: Incorporation?ffwguy: I propose then Peter comes up with a plan to meld those together, runs it by the private list and we vote on itprvdam: Aye to Geoff's proposal.steve_southwell: Ayewebspeedconsulting: Yes.pdigre: okprvdam: Done.prvdam: Incorporation: Davedavid_cleary: Nothing new on incorporation this week. I have had other priorities. I promise I will get the ball rolling bye next week.prvdam: Bye next week???prvdam: Just kidding...webspeedconsulting: What has been done?david_cleary: My action items are to establish a bank account and file the papers.webspeedconsulting: Yes, but David works.steve_southwell: The bank account will be the hard part.steve_southwell: I still need to send a check...david_cleary: Do I do that first or second?ffwguy: The business side is sort of waiting on it so if there's anything any the rest of us can do to help, let us know.webspeedconsulting: Dave, to start the checking account you will need a TAX ID number, right.steve_southwell: My bank requires my original corp papers plus a blood sample and accompaniment by 2 supreme court justices...ffwguy: Dave - you need both the corp seal and the ID number before a bank account can be set upwebspeedconsulting: To get the Federal Tax ID you need to start the corporation.david_cleary: OK, so bank account comes second.webspeedconsulting: So filing the papers is the best plan.steve_southwell: BTW, the reason my corp was so easy is that I paid $$$$ to have an attorney do it...webspeedconsulting: 4 bucks. That's cheap.steve_southwell: Probably somewhat slower and cheaper doing it yourself.steve_southwell: ffwguy: By the way Dave, my check went outwebspeedconsulting: Dave, how much money do we have pending?david_cleary: I have an uncashed check for $500.steve_southwell: I'm sending $50 and we've had other volunteers who we've told to hold off.webspeedconsulting: Ok.ffwguy: Mine is probably not there yetdavid_cleary: Gues what I just found out. At least 5 signatures are required on the icorporation papers.ffwguy: Where are you looking at Dave? Is it on the web?webspeedconsulting: Five? When I incorporated we only had two. It could have been one - same person signing five places.david_cleary: I got it off the web but do not have the URL handy.steve_southwell: I'll send my mailing address off-line and you can mail them to me to sign if you need to.ffwguy: I check and I didn't book mark that NH sitedavid_cleary: I also need to record it with my town clerk too.webspeedconsulting: Dave, are you using anyone to do this, or going directly to the state.david_cleary: I was just going to do this myself.david_cleary: It is pretty straight forward.steve_southwell: If you decide that you need an attorney's help, I'm not opposed...webspeedconsulting: If you need two signatories on site, let me know and I'll drive up -- if you buy the beer.ffwguy: I just did a search on NH incorp and found a place that will do it in NH for $100 plus $10 filing feesteve_southwell: nuh uh !!!!ffwguy: david_cleary: URL please.ffwguy: An NH company incorporated through Florida.steve_southwell: holy poop on a stick...webspeedconsulting: Almost as bad as a NY company, incorporated in Bermuda, owned by a company in Switzerland.steve_southwell: That's cheap...webspeedconsulting: Dave, do you need any more help on this issue.ffwguy: Brian - the Swiss co is a front for one in London actually - got the detals from the bankwebspeedconsulting: I knew the bank was in London. They acutally paid meffwguy: Wonderful, they don't give me squatffwguy: Enough - we're off topic nowwebspeedconsulting: Dave, are you set?steve_southwell: All set?david_cleary: Yes. I'll check out this company to see if it is worthwhile.steve_southwell: The CSC is still up to the same stuff as last time.webspeedconsulting: Oz conference went well. Lot's of interested Aussies.ffwguy: Dave - the site says the kit contains by-laws and minutes. Forget it, it's not going to work for us, we need custom by-lawssteve_southwell: Are the bylaws a BC thing?ffwguy: I've also heard interest from John Campbell on FFW and other pieces of POSSEffwguy: Steve - yes, bylaws done by the BCwebspeedconsulting: What type of interest?steve_southwell: What's John got to say?ffwguy: Johns getting more interest in WS and is visiting me to get more info. He expressed some interest in the FDO.webspeedconsulting: SDO light. Who wouldn't be interest.ffwguy: POSSE beta starts in two weeks also, another important event for usdavid_cleary: Looking at the wrong form. A non-profit requires 5 incorporators.prvdam: We are getting off topic. 6 minutes left till dinner.webspeedconsulting: Motto: FDO = SDO right.prvdam: Next?steve_southwell: Speak now or forever hold your peez steve_southwell: It's gonna be posted on the public list today. Both Geoff and steve_southwell: brian have been volunteered webspeedconsulting: I noticed.prvdam: Hello?steve_southwell: and Per too. prvdam: I hear but I don't see...steve_southwell: Peter: huh? pdigre: okwebspeedconsulting: Four minutes left.webspeedconsulting: I'm okay with my voluteeredness.ffwguy: Steve - volunteered for what? I've only got the graph piece I seesteve_southwell: What else do you want? steve_southwell: What's missing from the list? prvdam: I am still here. Was running out of memory. Go on Steve.steve_southwell: OK, well, anyhow, email me ASAP if you find something you want to own or volunteer for. steve_southwell: I'll post this URL on the public list today. webspeedconsulting: Are we all agreed on the featureset then?webspeedconsulting: one minute left!steve_southwell: ah... I'm melting!!!ffwguy: I wanted to work on the encrypt/decrypt but you went ahead with that, there was something else I volunteered for last time, but I don't see it here. I wanted to work on the new compilesteve_southwell: Oh yeah... I'll put you on there. I remember now. ffwguy: What does "Table Maintenance Libraries" mean?webspeedconsulting: Time!prvdam: wrap up - Steve makes the latest modifications and publishes.ffwguy: Can you stay for a sec Steve?webspeedconsulting: Sorry all, I have to go. I approve the feature list.steve_southwell: yepwebspeedconsulting: See you next time.steve_southwell: See ya Brian...Yahoo! Messenger: webspeedconsulting has left the conference.david_cleary: ByeYahoo! Messenger: david_cleary has left the conference.prvdam: Adjourned |