May 16th, 2001 Board Meeting Transcript


webspeedconsulting (9:16:57pm) : Are we ready to start?  Anyone else going to make it, you think?

webspeedconsulting (9:18:02pm) : Alright then --- I call this meeting to order.

webspeedconsulting (9:18:21pm) : Any old business to review?

ffwguy (9:19:06pm) : Don't think so other than Steve S - still didn't do anything with the web site transcripts. They're there, just not in the index.

webspeedconsulting (9:19:30pm) : Steve -- Any way to hook up the transcripts?

steve_southwell (9:19:34pm) : Yeah, yeah - jump in line with the rest of my impatient clients...

steve_southwell (9:19:49pm) : yep.  Just need a round tuit.

webspeedconsulting (9:19:58pm) : If you can get me access to the site I can get them up quickly.

ffwguy (9:20:10pm) : There's an idea - IM him the passwords

steve_southwell (9:20:15pm) : Sure.  I'll IM you the info...

webspeedconsulting (9:20:41pm) : So, the transcripts will go online.  Next item?

ffwguy (9:21:18pm) : Discussed with Dave the need to finialize the board installation before the meeting.  That's in the works now.

david_cleary (9:21:30pm) : How long are we in?

david_cleary (9:21:34pm) : 1 year?

webspeedconsulting (9:21:48pm) : Great.  I can't get the checking account open until I have a document saying who the board is

david_cleary (9:21:52pm) : Until 1/1/2002?

ffwguy (9:21:58pm) : Correct Dave.  Brian - if the bank wanted something specific, maybe just pass on the details.

steve_southwell (9:22:03pm) : Yep, but we need to look at the calendar and decide on a good time for re-elections.

steve_southwell (9:22:09pm) : No more newyears rush...

webspeedconsulting (9:22:15pm) : and one (could be the same) saying who the treasurer is and who the valid signers on the account are.

steve_southwell (9:22:18pm) : It shouldn't fall on a holiday.

webspeedconsulting (9:22:38pm) : The document MUST be stamped with the Corporate seal.

david_cleary (9:22:47pm) : All we have is a treasurer right?

steve_southwell (9:22:52pm) : Dave, did you order a corporate seal?

david_cleary (9:22:57pm) : Our corporate seal?

steve_southwell (9:23:01pm) : Yes.

david_cleary (9:23:15pm) : What is that?

steve_southwell (9:23:24pm) : It's a little paper-embosser thingy

david_cleary (9:23:37pm) : Where do I get one?

steve_southwell (9:23:38pm) : It raises bumps in the paper to spell out our corporate name.

steve_southwell (9:23:46pm) : Lemme see...

ffwguy (9:24:09pm) : Dec 10 for elections - it's a Monday but does the first day of Hannukah count?

webspeedconsulting (9:24:32pm) : Alright, if you don't have a seal we'll probably need a notary to sign the document.  Can you do that Dave?

david_cleary (9:24:54pm) : Yes, that is easy.

ffwguy (9:25:09pm) : That's usual for S-Corp's

ffwguy (9:25:22pm) : Then the paper is filed with the state as a change.

david_cleary (9:25:49pm) : What document are you talking about? The only one I know of is an amendment to the articles of incorp I file with the state.

ffwguy (9:26:21pm) : That would be it, no.

webspeedconsulting (9:26:46pm) : Right, we need to show who the officers are, name the treasurer, and the valid signers on the checking account.

ffwguy (9:27:34pm) : You draw out a paper appointing the various board members and officers, have it notarized with your signature.  Then attach it to the amendment and send it in, copy to Brian for the bank.

steve_lichtenberg (9:27:42pm) : wouldn't minutes from the board meeting suffice?

ffwguy (9:28:11pm) : Nope - Dave is the incorporater, he must appoint the board based on our meeting.

webspeedconsulting (9:28:30pm) : Yes, Dave is the key.  He's the one who signed the original paperwork.

steve_lichtenberg (9:28:33pm) : oh ok.

webspeedconsulting (9:28:54pm) : You should have seen the faces of the people at the bank when I tried to do this without that paperwork.

david_cleary (9:29:49pm) : Did you say you'll take your $250 and go elsewhere?

steve_lichtenberg (9:30:21pm) : like that will work.  hey are all in collusion.

ffwguy (9:30:23pm) : I'm sure that amount would really raise an eyebrow.

ffwguy (9:30:57pm) : Actually it's not collusion so much as the gov. makes all the stupid rules for everyone.

steve_lichtenberg (9:31:14pm) : like 401ks - and no we aint going there...

webspeedconsulting (9:31:17pm) : It mat have helped if I'd have shaved and not worn the Insane Clown Posse T

webspeedconsulting (9:31:30pm) : Okay.  Dave, you'll get that drawn up then?

ffwguy (9:31:43pm) : I want one of those, Brian.

david_cleary (9:31:47pm) : Yes.

webspeedconsulting (9:31:54pm) : Okay.  Next topic?

steve_southwell (9:32:07pm) : Dave, if you need examples of some corporate resolution-like junk my lawyer drew up, just email me and I'll fax them to you...

ffwguy (9:32:45pm) : That sounds like a good idea.

steve_southwell (9:32:50pm) : FFW development box...

webspeedconsulting (9:32:56pm) : QUe?

steve_southwell (9:33:17pm) : is open for business.

webspeedconsulting (9:33:30pm) : And?

ffwguy (9:33:52pm) : OK, what's on it and what can we hack^h^h^hdo with it?

steve_southwell (9:34:21pm) : Well, I've set up a special user group and sandbox with its own WebSpeed installation...

steve_southwell (9:34:37pm) : where I'll be doing all future FFW development....

steve_lichtenberg (9:34:39pm) : Steve-- I told you to make my ID root and pwd God.  What happened to that.

steve_southwell (9:34:50pm) : I've got it set up for CVS and such.

steve_southwell (9:35:07pm) : I figure on letting any serious FFW developer get an account and use it to play on.

webspeedconsulting (9:35:09pm) : Steve - you mean the coding committe right?  Not just you.

steve_southwell (9:35:18pm) : Right.

steve_southwell (9:35:37pm) : Or if any of you guys want a place to host example code, etc.

steve_lichtenberg (9:35:41pm) : Maybe we can get past that silly SourceForge.

ffwguy (9:35:42pm) : How about Mirro as well.

steve_southwell (9:35:49pm) : Good idea. 

steve_southwell (9:36:12pm) : If anyone wants an account, just IM me and I'll set you up.

webspeedconsulting (9:36:19pm) : I'm assuming it's a Linux box?

steve_southwell (9:36:40pm) : Yes.  Linux 6.2 with WS 3.1 and Progress 9.1

steve_southwell (9:36:54pm) : It's ASPEN licensed, so I can use all I want.

webspeedconsulting (9:37:03pm) : What Apps? WS, DB, AppServer?

ffwguy (9:37:06pm) : How about the board all get ID's and just send them out without asking - same with Code committee

steve_southwell (9:37:33pm) : OK.

ffwguy (9:37:35pm) : How about you suggest this box for that FAQ thing going around....

webspeedconsulting (9:37:37pm) : Geoff -- sounds about right.  Maybe draw up an HTML page as a reference to what is where.

steve_southwell (9:37:57pm) : There is:

webspeedconsulting (9:38:02pm) : Yes, FFW being part of the FAQ is a good idea.

steve_southwell (9:38:30pm) : I don't mind hosting the FAQ development at all...

steve_southwell (9:38:41pm) : Just don't want to be perceived as trying to hijack the effort...

steve_southwell (9:38:52pm) : especially since I'm one of the ones who has their own already...

steve_southwell (9:39:01pm) : knowwhatImeanvern?

webspeedconsulting (9:39:13pm) : Steve -- so you don't do any development.  Just offer the box.

ffwguy (9:39:30pm) : Just encourage Peter - he seems like he wants to take it, and he's someone fairly new on the list so could use some support

ffwguy (9:39:50pm) : Then let Peter take on other helpers as he wants.

webspeedconsulting (9:40:13pm) : Steve -- so can you send out the info to each of us, and the coding committee. 

steve_southwell (9:40:15pm) : Are you talking about Phil Freed?

ffwguy (9:40:28pm) : Sorry Steve - Phil not Peter.

steve_southwell (9:40:32pm) : Yes, one moment while I set your passwords.  Steve, I believe you have one already, right?

webspeedconsulting (9:40:48pm) : Anything further on this issue?

steve_lichtenberg (9:40:56pm) : yes I do but I thought root was my ID

ffwguy (9:41:12pm) : How about keep the meeting flowing, I'd like to keep it short.

webspeedconsulting (9:41:24pm) : Next topic?  The conference?

ffwguy (9:41:36pm) : PPT was reworked and resent to everyone.

david_cleary (9:41:39pm) : Question on the form I need to file.

webspeedconsulting (9:41:46pm) : Yes Dave.

david_cleary (9:42:29pm) : It needs a signature of the Chairman, President, or other officer.

ffwguy (9:42:42pm) : That's you Dave.

webspeedconsulting (9:42:48pm) : Dave, it needs your signature as the person who started the corp.

david_cleary (9:43:03pm) : What is my title I put down?

steve_lichtenberg (9:43:14pm) : Chairman of the board

webspeedconsulting (9:43:32pm) : Initial Registered Agent

steve_southwell (9:43:43pm) : Chief peon

steve_southwell (9:43:47pm) : (Just kidding)

webspeedconsulting (9:43:47pm) : or Incorporator

ffwguy (9:44:02pm) : Brian - was might thought too, Incorporator

webspeedconsulting (9:44:24pm) : It has it both ways in the inital documents.  Either would probably work.

webspeedconsulting (9:45:11pm) : And comments about the upcoming conference?

steve_lichtenberg (9:45:31pm) : How about the PPT? comments/suggestions?

webspeedconsulting (9:45:49pm) : Haven't read this version yet.  Let's do comments via email.

ffwguy (9:45:49pm) : Already mentioned PPT revised, called Pam today and she says either Mon 6:30 or Tues 7:30

steve_lichtenberg (9:47:08pm) : Tues is better since it won't conflict with the Product Expo correct?

ffwguy (9:47:50pm) : I like Tues too, but we don't know for sure.  Supposedly the decision is finalized during a meeting at 1PM tomorrow.

ffwguy (9:48:04pm) : We get the whole run down of the details next week.

webspeedconsulting (9:48:07pm) : Geoff -- let us know when you do.

webspeedconsulting (9:48:10pm) : Next topic?

ffwguy (9:48:31pm) : Code committee?

webspeedconsulting (9:48:42pm) : Report on Code committee meeting please.

steve_southwell (9:49:02pm) : Dont think we've met since last time the board met.

steve_lichtenberg (9:49:10pm) : Nothing new from there.  Brian, you have not seen much of the 91C stuff going around have you?

steve_lichtenberg (9:49:28pm) : Steve - Any update from Chad since they got kicked out of Bedford?

webspeedconsulting (9:49:42pm) : I've heard but not seen.  What's up there?

steve_southwell (9:49:47pm) : Nope.  Geoff - did he ever respond to you?

ffwguy (9:50:24pm) : I got a message from Alex Oliveri, but never Chad.  Alex's message was marked off the record.  I encouraged him in a couple of areas, including bringing it up with Julian.

steve_southwell (9:50:48pm) : I've been out of touch with them ...

ffwguy (9:50:51pm) : Julian's the key inside of POSSE, he's the outside's eyes and ears.  It could turn really wild

webspeedconsulting (9:51:16pm) : Put what does this have to do with the coding committe?

ffwguy (9:51:30pm) : I also heard from Julian I'm supposed to hear soon on the WebSpeed project ownership.

steve_lichtenberg (9:51:34pm) : Everything. believe it or not.

webspeedconsulting (9:51:43pm) : Someone please explain.

steve_lichtenberg (9:52:01pm) : Steve -- do you want first crack?

ffwguy (9:52:19pm) : There were certain changes that were going to go into production PSC, and also changes Chad was supposed to do that FFW wants.

ffwguy (9:52:32pm) : How's that for a start?

steve_lichtenberg (9:52:57pm) : Including incorporating nost of the robust stuff directly into the product

steve_southwell (9:53:19pm) : And the really cool feature: Extensibility

webspeedconsulting (9:53:25pm) : And this has been stopped I take it.  Dave, any inside knowledge.

ffwguy (9:54:11pm) : The new style web-disp.p should still be done outside PSC - I encouraged Alex to have it submitted to POSSE.  We could take ownership of it in the mean time.

david_cleary (9:54:25pm) : None. Completely out of the loop on Posse/ICF.

steve_southwell (9:54:48pm) : My understanding is that ICF wants to configure everything using XML documents...

ffwguy (9:54:59pm) : You'd have to sign an NDA to see it Dave.

steve_southwell (9:55:00pm) : I figured they would have lasso'd dave into that somehow...

webspeedconsulting (9:55:09pm) : Steve -- no big deal there.

david_cleary (9:55:14pm) : That is true. I have fixed a couple of XML bugs Bruce found.

steve_southwell (9:55:39pm) : Side note:  Everyone should now have passwords for

webspeedconsulting (9:55:46pm) : Are we getting the feeling that some things are getting dropped due to a time crunch?

steve_lichtenberg (9:55:52pm) : Hopefully they are still including the stuff Chad originally did though.

ffwguy (9:56:24pm) : Brian - I don't get that feeling, I get the feeling ICF people are overruling other changes in the works.

webspeedconsulting (9:56:32pm) : Back to the committee:  Beside working on the POSSE release of FFW, what's been up there?

steve_lichtenberg (9:56:39pm) : That includes the SUPER stuff and starting web-disp as a driver for running the rest of hte routines SUPER.

steve_southwell (9:56:56pm) : Steve, as far as I know, that's out.

steve_southwell (9:57:06pm) : But maybe we could do it.

ffwguy (9:57:18pm) : Steve S - could and should.

steve_lichtenberg (9:57:53pm) : we will.  It just makes too much sense not to.

webspeedconsulting (9:57:55pm) : Progress is going to do what it wants with the submissions we made.  If they get in great.  If not we have FFW.  Let's keep going on FFW.  Are there any plans for new features.

steve_southwell (9:58:19pm) : - Application compiler - Bob mirro's going to help me.

steve_southwell (9:58:32pm) : - More bug fixes, as usual

steve_lichtenberg (9:58:41pm) : Brian-- The other hope for all of this to get in is Geoff has volunteered to own Webspeed for POSSE

webspeedconsulting (9:58:52pm) : Are these changes listed anywhere? 

ffwguy (9:58:54pm) : Bob's got the time now, pass it off to him.

steve_southwell (9:59:10pm) : Does Bob work for you now?

steve_lichtenberg (9:59:19pm) : Steve-- We should try to get Chad's stuff into the next release.  Then installation and support will be greatly enhanced.

webspeedconsulting (9:59:25pm) : Steve -  Yes, I got that.  And we may get some things in.  It's going to be a battle from what I have heard. 

steve_lichtenberg (9:59:55pm) : According to what Geoff says Julian has experienced I agree.

steve_southwell (10:00:23pm) : Lemme dig it up... hold on.

ffwguy (10:00:25pm) : Has that section of the web site with all of the what's going on been updated?  That should have the planned features in it, or SourceForge should have it.

ffwguy (10:00:42pm) : Thanks Steve S -

webspeedconsulting (10:01:12pm) : Right -- is there a central place people can go to see the planned features -- and claim the work if they'd like too?

ffwguy (10:01:47pm) : There was such a thing on the web site at one point I thought, maybe someone can check quick.

steve_southwell (10:03:18pm) : Feature requests:

webspeedconsulting (10:04:15pm) : Okay.  Can the Code Committee get a brief list of what it thinks it can get accomplished by mid June together?

steve_southwell (10:05:13pm) : I'll try.

webspeedconsulting (10:05:18pm) : Any other topics for tonight?

steve_southwell (10:05:33pm) : Everyone try and log in to

steve_southwell (10:05:48pm) : you have to use SSH - no telnet.

david_cleary (10:05:50pm) : You mean hit the web page?

david_cleary (10:06:07pm) : Where do I get SSH?

ffwguy (10:06:10pm) : No telnet??????

steve_southwell (10:06:26pm) : Dave - the web page explains what to do when you get in, and where things are located.

ffwguy (10:06:32pm) : Give me a break, I'm never gonna get in from a bunch of client sites.

steve_southwell (10:06:37pm) : SSH is standard on Unix machines.

steve_southwell (10:06:44pm) : Use putty for windows machines.

david_cleary (10:07:01pm) : Where do I find the putty for Windows? MKS?

steve_southwell (10:07:09pm) : Geoff, port 22 is pretty standard, and telnet is not secure.

steve_southwell (10:07:20pm) : Dave - stand by and I'll IM it to you.

webspeedconsulting (10:07:37pm) : Any other topics?  I've got to get going.

ffwguy (10:07:42pm) : Telnet isn't but I don't think many firewalls at the big corp sites are gonna let me out.

ffwguy (10:08:11pm) : Besides, what do we have that needs that kind of security?  An open source project?

webspeedconsulting (10:08:12pm) : Geoff -- just work from the bus

ffwguy (10:08:55pm) : Brian - I never go into the city unless I have to.  Now that I live another 30 mins. away, it's the last city client I'll ever take.

ffwguy (10:09:39pm) : Anything else, 3-3 and 4min in the 3rd, getting good here.......

david_cleary (10:10:09pm) : I have 3-3 top of the 8th with Manny coming up.

webspeedconsulting (10:10:16pm) : Dave, me too.

webspeedconsulting (10:10:34pm) : If there is no other business I motion to adjurn.

steve_lichtenberg (10:10:39pm) : I'm done.  The difference between Unix and NT is driving me nuts tonight so I'd like to get back to it.

ffwguy (10:10:54pm) : Only comment is on the list of features - I thought we had more in the works.

ffwguy (10:11:22pm) : Someone else save the transcript this time.

steve_southwell (10:11:29pm) : Seconded.

webspeedconsulting (10:11:31pm) : Geoff -- Let's see what the committee comes back with and talk next time.

webspeedconsulting (10:11:36pm) : I've got the log.

webspeedconsulting (10:11:39pm) : Cheers.

ffwguy (10:11:42pm) : When will that be guys??

steve_southwell (10:11:54pm) : Monday 9pm eastern right?

steve_lichtenberg (10:11:55pm) : Steve - looks like we need to sched a code meeting.

steve_lichtenberg (10:12:09pm) : How about wither 8 or 10

steve_southwell (10:12:09pm) : You name the time.  I'm available.

steve_southwell (10:12:20pm) : 8pm then, your time.

steve_lichtenberg (10:12:26pm) : how about 8:00 EASTERN

webspeedconsulting (10:12:28pm) : Let's decide the next meeting via e-mail so everyone has a chance.

steve_lichtenberg (10:12:40pm) : Agreed.

webspeedconsulting (10:12:51pm) : Goodbye.

ffwguy (10:12:57pm) : OK, we'll have to talk about conflicts with Code Committee then

steve_lichtenberg (10:13:18pm) : Once summer starts There will be a swim meet every Wednesday so Monday is better anyway.

ffwguy (10:13:49pm) : Let's adjourn then....

webspeedconsulting (10:14:09pm) : Adjourned.


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