Feb 26, 2002 Board Meeting Minutes
(As taken by Steve Southwell)
These minutes not officially approved by the board until the subsequent meeting.
Geoff Crawford
Steve Lichtenberg
Steve Southwell
Per Digre
Dave Cleary (no proxy)
Brian Laferte (no proxy)
John Abbott (no proxy)
The following matters were discussed:
- Minutes from the 2/19 meeting approved.
- Treasurer's report: Geoff renewed all three domain names for 5 years.
Total was $450. Billing contact with registrar changed to Geoff. Still waiting on info from Dave so that he can be reimbursed for some of the
original expenses.
- 2/12 Old business:
- FFW 1.1 beta: Now in beta 2. Need to get into CVS before any more major changes.
- BOF meeting in Chicago: We'd be interested in doing it, especially if it is scheduled such that we can have dinner afterward without interfering with other scheduled events. Those of us who are speaking at the conference may be able to
adverstise for it during our sessions. Since the times are not set yet,
it's hard to commit. We have until 5 april to decide. Discussion tabled again.
- FFW browse methodology: Gonna wait and see what Steve L. comes up with.
- Smtpmail.p: Still in process for reworking the API into a set() and get() methodology with TT's. Steve L. is working on this as time is available.
- Accepted code on the website: Code which has been accepted still needs to be moved to a seperate portion of the website.
- 2/19 Old business:
- Geoff's recommendation to make subcommittees: It was decided that we will have two subcommittes: Code Directions Committee and Code Review Committee. The CRC will consist of Lichtenberg, Abbott, and Southwell, and will take over
for the functions of the the old CSC. The Code Directions committee
will try to determine future directions of FFW. This new committee will be comprised of Crawford, Southwell, and Digre.
The CDC will meet on Mondays at 10pm eastern for the foreseeable future.
The CRC will need to arrange a time for meetings so that we can go through the backlog of code which needs to be reviewed.
- The new committees will operate autonomously, subject to review by the entire board. The CRC will make the decisions about which items go in to FFW and which items stay in the miscellaneous section.
The board may later veto if necessary, but we should not wait on a board vote to take action on some of these items.
- Adjourned