Miscellaneous Code - Various Libraries and Such
This section will contain various miscellaneous items of general use:
  • Unescape.i - This file contains the unEscape() function which renders incoming text harmless when used in OS-COMMAND or INPUT THROUGH calls. Prevents users from inserting malicious commands in normal input data.
    [Download unescape.i]
  • maths.i - Various mathematical functions, such as sine, cosine, tangent, factorial, and such. Entirely 4gl, with no API calls.
    [Download maths.i]
  • latlon.i - Library for computing greatCircleDistance() between two points on the globe, given latitude and longitude for each. Also can find a "box" around a given point on the globe, through the use of the North(), South(), East(), and West() functions. Useful for finding locations near another location, or within a given radius of a location.
    [Download latlon.i]

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Last modified on: Friday, 28-Dec-2001 15:27:01 UTC