

getRelatedWords() { lib/thesaurus.i }


Retrieves a comma-separated list of alternate forms of the word. (across all parts of speech) for the word provided.

Returned Value

Character - A string consisting of a comma-separated list of alternate forms of the word. For instance "Go" might return "going,gone,went,goes"


myWord - The word for which related word forms are requested (Character)

See Also:

getRelatedWords() Function
getRootWords() Function

getSynonyms() { lib/thesaurus.i }


Retrieves a comma-separated list of synonyms of the word. (across all parts of speech) for the word provided.

Returned Value

Character - A string consisting of comma-separated synonyms


myWord - The word for which synonyms are requested (Character)

See Also:

getRelatedWords() Function
getRootWords() Function

getRootWords() { lib/thesaurus.i }


Retrieves a comma-separated list of possible root words for the word form provided. For instance the root word for "going" would be "go". The root word for "halted" would be "halt", "appendices" is "appendix", "friendlier" is "friendly", and so on.

Returned Value

Character - A string consisting of comma-separated synonyms


myWord - The word for which synonyms are requested (Character)

See Also:

getRelatedWords() Function
getRootWords() Function