Code Header Sample

  File........: robust.i
  Version.....: 1.0 (pre-beta) - 5/10/2000
  Description : Procedures and functions that add robustness enhancements
                  to the standard WebSpeed functionality
  Input Param : <none>
  Output Param: <none>
  Author......: S.E. Southwell -  United Systems, Inc. (770) 449-9696
  Copyright...: FreeFramework 2000 -
  Created.....: 4/24/2000
  Notes.......: This file is heavily commented.  The best way to see what's 
                going on here is to print this out and study the comments.
                If you make changes to this program that others could benefit
                from, please share your code with me:
                As of 5/10/2000 this code is still in heavy development, so 
                please don't bet the farm that any of this code will remain 
                intact.  Stay tuned to

Ideally, you would place this header in the very top of your 4gl program, or ESS file. Later, as people make modifications, you would place a Modified.....: header at the bottom and have people place their name, the date, and what they did to it.

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Last modified on: Wednesday, 19-Jul-2000 04:32:25 UTC